Title: Firmly Attached
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Prompt: 009 Puzzle
Word Count: 464
Rating: PG-13 (two uses of a swear word)
Spoilers: Disregards HBP
Author's Notes: Links to all parts can be found
here at my
slashfic40 prompt table index.
To clarify, this takes part whilst Draco is still sorting everything out at the Manor.
Harry frowned. Everything had been going as planned up until now. He had spent a couple of nights at Grimmauld Place and, as he suspected, he really didn’t feel comfortable living there. The place held no sentimental value for Harry at all, only bad memories of Sirius and he honestly couldn’t wait to move out, so he got in contact with an estate agent.
Despite the less than perfect condition of the old Black home, the agent assured him that the place should sell quickly and for a reasonable amount of money. There was only one problem, however. The portrait of Mrs Black that hung on the wall simply would not come down. The house couldn’t be put on the market until the abusive woman was removed, and so Harry was now sitting in front of the picture, muffs over his ears, trying to think of anything that he could do to remove it.
“Filthy half-blood scum!” Mrs Black shrieked down at him, her cries not entirely blocked by Harry’s protective headgear. He cast another un-sticking charm at the frame, but it refused to budge.
“Damn!” he cursed. It was times like this that he really needed Hermione, but he knew that she was too busy to be able to come to his rescue. Mrs Black continued to scream at him and eventually he snapped.
“Oh, shut up, you stupid woman! Maybe I am a half-blood, but you’re a prejudiced old bat! And besides that, you’re only a painting! I’d tell you to fuck off and die, but you already are dead, aren’t you?! I’m sick and tired of hearing your whining! Silencio!”
It was only when Harry paused in his rant that he noticed the picture had fallen suspiciously quiet. When he looked closer, he could see that Mrs Black’s mouth was moving, but no sound was forthcoming. ‘Huh,’ he thought to himself. ‘Why didn’t someone think to do that earlier?’
He quickly tried another un-sticking charm, but that portrait remained firmly stuck to the wall. He ran a hand through his hair. Maybe he should contact the agent again…? The only reason the painting had been such a problem was because of the noise it produced. Mind made up, he made a Floo call to the estate agent.
Fifteen minutes later he made his way to the kitchen, happy. The agent was happy to put the house on the market now that the portrait was not screaming obscenities and had assured Harry that a sale would happen within a few weeks. He was finally ready to leave Grimmauld Place for the last time.
As he put the kettle on, Draco’s owl appeared at the window. He smiled as he read the letter and quickly penned a reply. Life was definitely looking up.
Next part Comments are always appreciated!