Title: Interiors and Irritations
Characters/Pairing: Harry/Draco
Prompt: 014 Blue
Word Count: 459
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Disregards HBP
Author's Notes: Links to all parts can be found
here at my
slashfic40 prompt table index.
The man in question sighed and made his way over to his boyfriend. Not for the first time he wished that he hadn’t insisted on doing the decorating the Muggle way, but he wasn’t going to back down and let his boyfriend win on this point, even if said boyfriend was making life as difficult as possible.
“What is it this time?”
“I can’t get the lid off. How am I meant to get it off if it doesn’t have a handle?”
Rolling his eyes, Harry picked up one of the chisels that was lying on the floor. “Watch and learn,” he told the blond, sliding the instrument underneath the lid of the can and levering it off.
“Oh. Why didn’t it say to do that on the tin?”
Harry bit his tongue to stop himself from saying anything that he might regret. He did love Draco, but for the last few days the other man had been getting on his nerves quite a lot. Logically he knew it was just the stress from the move that had both of them snappy and on edge, but that didn’t stop him from getting riled at the smallest thing.
Deliberately moving to the other side of the room, Harry opened his own tin of paint. There had been more than a few arguments about the interior of the house, but the two men had eventually decided that they would avoid any of their Hogwarts House colours. Consequently the paint that was now dripping from Harry’s brush was a pale blue, enough to add interest to the walls but light so as not to dominate the space.
They had been working in silence for over half an hour before Harry’s resolve not to pay attention to his boyfriend snapped. He paused in his painting to watch Draco and was surprised by what he saw. Unlike his own work area, Draco had managed to keep the floor around him spotless, paint on the wall in front of him and nowhere else. He was using small, neat brushstrokes and when Harry looked back to his own painting he realised that the blond was making a far better job of it than he was.
“Draco?” he called.
“Do you think you could help me for a moment?”
Draco looked round, surprised to hear the request from Harry. “What is it?”
He smiled when he saw the mess around Harry and directed him how to make a better job of his work.
“I told you that wizards are better,” he whispered into Harry’s ear before he made his way back across the room.
A small smile played across Harry’s lips. It was an argument neither of them was going to concede any time soon.
Next part Comments are always welcome!