(no subject)

May 02, 2004 07:06

For anyone who as smithie (allison just in case you need these)

1)How much contril do the witches have ovver Macbeth's free will and his destiny as the play evolves?

2) The central character of this play is a tragic hero--a man of imagination and courage, with a fatal weekness, a tragic flaw, in his character. What is the flaw and how does it destroy him? Does LAdy MAcbeth share this flaw?

3) We see many launguage techniques as alliteration, assonance, metaphores and similies used to convey sound and pictures to the minde. Define these literary devices and give examples of them from the play itself.

4) In scene 3 "I have lived long enough" wha does this soliloquay tell us about MAcbeth's stae of mind on the eve of the battle? What traditional comforts of old age does he realize will not be his?

5) It can be argued that the characters of the first thane of cawdore, duncan, banquo, lady macbeth and macbeth all contain flaws which, to a greater or lesser degree, are the cause of their downfall. Referring to specific passages in the play describe the flaws of each of these characters and explain why you think each character was ot was not desirving of his other fate.
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