The second day of con dawned without the need for me to worry about whether the wind would ruin my wig. Shells and I suited up in our Vote Smugglers ensemble (Han Solo and Mal Reynolds), and went to start the day as every convention day should: with Starbucks and pastries. The barista realized Comic-con was going on, and he even wrote our character names on our cups. Thanks, 16th street Mall Starbucks barista man for starting my day off right.
We hung out outside, watching the Ps go to the normal line while taking copious photos. Best cosplay went to the Spaceballs family who had a baby Dark Helmet with both the parents dressed up as Assholes. We were also accosted by a Two by Two Hands of Blue guy. For some reason, he was alone, so I took care of him.
We got upstairs to find our usual line crowd all together again and talked about how awesome George Takei is for a while. For a con with 50,000 people, I sure did run into the same ones over and over again. When let inside, we tried to get our Katie Cook commissions, but Katie plays all fair and wasn't giving out until the official start time so all her slots didn't go to VIPs. So we wandered around, bought some Doubleclicks albums and some pretty awesome Dr. Horrible art. Then at ten, we got our commissions and went to the lines to autograph hunt.
We went to Wil's first because A) we get one free and B) we had a lot of stuff to give him and neither of us wanted to lose anything. Sadly, we had to follow the guy with the coolest thing to sign ever: a huge Enterprise standee signed by cast members from ever iteration of Star Trek. He was only missing a few of the ones who'd passed away and a smattering of others, but was collecting Wil, George, and the Shat here. Suddenly, my googly eye dice were not quite as cool.
Shelly went first because I was having a bit of the vapors. She gave will the shiny metallic di she'd bought him last year, which he thought was really cool and gave a test roll. It was a one. "Of course it's a one because I rolled it! Poor Wil. Dice hate him whenever anyone is watching. She also gave him our Vote Smugglers button. I brought up my Quail Hunting Certificate and asked if he'd make me a tabletop certificate of awesome. He was completely cool with that, even asked if I wanted it personalized or not. I said yes because I'm only giving anyone who wins tape anyway. He laughed and we chatted about the new Elder Sign expansion because he hadn't heard it was coming out. It comes out in 8 days, you guys. 8 days.
I then gave him my googly eye dice, and he had me wait next door so his wife could see them. Anne Wheaton does a tumblr called "Vandal Eyes" (which I didn't get until far too late...) wherein she sticks googly eyes on random objects. She came up from behind the curtain and went, "I see GOOGLY EYES!" Wil showed her my certificate on account of it is the best idea ever, way better than those people and their Cards Against Humanity blanks. Maybe not as cool as a giant cast Enterprise, but close.
So after Shelly and I collected our fangirlness, we went to Felicia's line. Felicia is exactly as sweet and neurotic as she appears on the interwebs. She did enjoy the button I gave her and put it on her lanyard which she wore to the panel later that day. It's in official photographs. She's voting for Reynolds. I tried to be cool, but ending up gushing about how she's an absolute inspiration and I love her shows and thanking her for introducing me to TableTop and Sword and Laser. She proceeded to apologize profusely for canceling S&L and I had to say, "No! It's cool! I found the audio podcast because of you!" and then we talked about fantasy literature because DREAMS DO COME TRUE!!!
Shelly then took her ABCs of Star Wars poster (which Katie had signed earlier) over to Peter Mayhew to have him sign C is for Chewie. One day Shelly will have kids, and they will never get to touch any of this stuff she allegedly bought for them. Peter had never seen the ABCs of Star Wars and as a children's book author himself, he thought is was just super. Who gave Shelly that poster? Oh right, me. Because I win at birthdays.
We'd been debating meeting George Takei because his autograph was double everyone else's, but Jason talked us into it as George Takei is officially the best human ever. We realized we would quite likely never have another chance to shake George Takei's hand, so we went for it. I had picked up a Sulu comic for 50 cents on free comic book day just in case, and he signed it "To Valerie, Fondly, George Takei." He is fond of me. I told him I couldn't wait to see Allegiance though I'd have to wait until there was some sort of touring cast. "Oh, no," he said in his super Takei voice, "You must come to New York. We open in March." I'm counting that as an official invitation. Anyone want to go to New York in March?
After that, we trotted over to line of up for George Takei. You know, I really have to thank Wil Wheaton for pretending to come last year. If he hadn't pretended to come, I would never have shelled out for the VIP pass for a guaranteed autograph, and if I hadn't done that, I wouldn't have known to buy VIP passes this year, and if I didn't have my VIP pass this year, I probably would never have gotten to listen to George Takei talk. We sat there in the second row with our usual panel buddies (Sailor Moon family and The Dark Wizard Canon-- his Vader costume didn't pan out, so he just had the cape and nice camera). George came out all live long and prosper and immediately gave a wonderful speech on how fans are wonderful. He thanked people for keeping that five year/three season mission alive, for getting movies made and seats filled (even when the movies weren't that good), and for making it possible for him to attend events like this and speak his mind even this many years later.
He spoke eloquently on science fiction, and the necessity of visionaries like Gene Roddenberry to imagine technology and engineers to ask, "Why can't we do that?" He also spoke on the need of analyzing the cost of those advancements, about his experiences in polluted China, and the questions we had to ask ourselves as a species as we boldly go where no one has gone before.
I'm paraphrasing, but you can imagine it all in that fantastic voice, right?
Only about five people got to ask questions because George Takei treats every questions like a personal conversation, and it takes about 15 minutes to answer anything. Literally, the first question was "Will you say your catch phrase?" I should mention this was asked by a man dressed as a pink Hello Kitty Samurai. George laughed and said, "Starting with that, are we? Well, sir. I just look at your costume and all I can think to say is, 'Oh Myyyyyyy." Then he talked for 15 minutes on how Howard Stern had got that phrase associated with him, and how he'd grown to love it because it was an expression of awe and wonderment, and that's what this world really needed.
The next question was about the new Star Trek movie, and George talked for 15 minutes about how busy he was and how fantastic Allegiance is but how busy it makes him and how many planes he's been on in the last week and so in the end he hasn't seen it and can't comment because he hasn't seen it.
The best question asked was how it was to work with Leonard Nimoy and Bill Shatner. Leonard, he said, is a kindred spirit, a well-read and socially aware individual, a compatible conversationalist with George, and an all around gentlemen. Bill is... a talented and unique actor.
He gave a speech that was very diplomatic on how talented Bill is as an actor, although he could try sharing a scene every once in a while. He then said we were welcome to ask Bill for his side of the story tomorrow. I didn't get to see the Shat's panel, but I'm curious if anyone asked. Tell me if you were there, k?
In short, George Takei is such an intelligent, warm, welcoming gentleman. I'm sure everyone who reads this already follows him, but if not, do check out his fb. It's worth a chuckle and an Oh My.
After that, we kind of needed a lie down, so we dropped off our way too heavy bags, got Captain burgers (we referred to each other only as Captain all day), and then queued up for Wil's panel. The line was possibly even more ridiculous than George, though we still found ourselves with the same line buddies we'd had all convention. You'd think we all had the same taste or something. Our skillz, however, were superior enough to get us right in the front row. VIP all the way, baby.
Wil came out in his Team Horsemask outfit and immediately apologized for needing to check his phone all the time because the Kings were in the playoffs. He did jab at us for being Coloradans who might not be familiar with those. SPORTS! Most of his texts, however, were from his wife telling him the mask had made his hair all sticky-uppy and he looked like a goon. Anne Wheaton is a pretty awesome lady.
So, yes, Wil is a hockey nerd, but he's also a nerd for a lot of other things. Being a nerd, he said, isn't about what you love, but about how you love it, about the kind of passion and intensity you put into loving your fandom. I couldn't agree more.
This panel had lots of really good questions. Some paraphrasing:
Guy: So on BBT, we've seen a sweet, endearing Wil Wheaton and also a mean, nasty--
Wil: Excuse me, sir, but I think what you meant to say is a delightfully evil, masterfully manipulative, greatest example of trolling in the history of trolldom Wil Wheaton.
Guy: Uhm... yeah, sorry, English isn't my first language.
Wil: That's all right. I will forgive your language mistakes. Now what is your question.
Guy: Well, I was going to ask which was the closest to the real Wil Wheaton, but I think I have my answer.
Wil: Indeed you do, sir.
Another person was dressed as Fawkes in his avatar outfit and Wil told him he had to come to his booth to share that or he would be hunted down and made to pay.
Wil talked a lot about being a child actor, and the bad decisions that had been made for him pre-Star Trek, but he also talked about how great it was to have 9 mothers on the set. He said it was hard for him to work on an adult level without being able to play on that level, but now that he can have drinks with the cast, it was worth the wait. Besides, Wesley was clearly the smartest person on that ship. Every episode teaser:
Crewmember: Captain, something horrible and/or mysterious is happening.
Wesley: Gee, Captain. What if we do the most obvious thing?!"
Picard: No, let's explore
*Theme song: Ba ba baaaaaaaaaaa ba ba ba ba baaaaaaaaaaaaa*
The series would have been half the length.
Wil shared a lot about gaming and announced that Anne would be back to play T2R Europe right after they magnetized all those trains. The only really awful question was Sailor Moon again who asked how many bad words he would use if he could talk to the president. What 13 year old asks that? Wil was diplomatic and talked about how he wouldn't use bad words because he respects the office. Go Wil.
The absolute greatest moment, though, was when a little girl asked him if he'd ever been called a nerd and how he dealt with that growing up. Wil's answer left the audience in tears. I can't paraphrase. Here's a link to the vid I took. Skip to 1:30 for this particular question
I cried. Wil Wheaton made me cry. Jerk.
Click to view
After the panel, we got right back into line to see Felicia Day and the Guild Panel. Thank god for the VIP pass because otherwise there would have been some serious Sophie's Choice going on. As is, we got to sit in the 3rd row. Felicia is soooooo pretty... Also, she was still wearing the button I gave her!!!
Also on the panel were Sandeep, Robin, and Erin Gray from Buck Rogers who also plays Madeleine on the Guild. Erin likes Tai Chi and Scrabble and really didn't belong on this panel, but was a good sport. She mostly sat back and watched Sandeep and Felicia have at each other like master fencers for the duration of the panel. Those two do a lot of improv together, and it shows.
Now all the panels I'd been to so far had been fairly normal, but let me tell you the weirdos come out for Felicia. First was a guy in a wheelchair who basically just wanted to say, "I'm in a wheelchair so I can't cosplay, pity me." Considering I saw two awesome wheelchair cosplays (Oracle and the freaking Catbus), and there's no rule that says wheelchair-bound people can't cosplay non-wheelchair bound people, I had very little sympathy. He was followed by Creepy Alf who asked Felicia if for her next Flog she would go to Wyoming and climb Devil's Tower and then sing the Close Encounters song at the top. He followed this up with a terrible impression of Alf humming the Close Encounters theme. Sandeep called for security.
Felicia declined because Devil's Tower is outdoors and she charges by the freckle, but maybe if they put up some sort of scrim.
Felicia's a person I really admire, mostly because I think we share the same neuroses but she somehow manages to be super successful with them. She started writing the Guild because of the voice in her head telling her she was going to die and also she's done nothing to contribute to the world. So, she makes stuff. I hear that voice too, Felicia. I do. Her fave Guild season has been 3 because of all the fun with rival guilds.
Sandeep piped in at this point with stories about the first time the whole guild had been together in Season one at the table at Cheesybears, and how magical that was.
Sandeep: It was just right, you know? I just loved it. I love you, guys. *puts hand on Robin's shoulder.
Robin: Don't touch me.
Felicia talked a lot about her character conceptions and how Zaboo was written for Sandeep which he did not find flattering. Jeff Lewis basically is Vork and calls her asking for free stuff all the time. Everyone then did their impressions of Jeff Lewis asking for free stuff. Clara is the easiest character to write and all the Steampunk stuff in 5 is just because Robin likes Steampunk.
They talked about their favorite games. Felicia can't play any game that makes her feel anxious or hunted. She gets over involved in RPGs and even wrote fan poetry (sonnets, she was into sonnets) and posted it to forums in her youth.
Robin: You wrote sonnets? Did you write haiku?
Felicia: No, I don't know how to do haiku. Can you write a haiku?
Robin: No
I can't capture how funny deadpan Robin Thorsen is.
Someone else asked the question I thought we all agreed to stop asking.
Guy: So Zaboo has a big crush on Codex. Did that ever leak into your--
Sandeep: No.
Felicia: That was really fast
Sandeep: Well just no, it's like kissing your sister. Just no.
Felicia: It was like kissing cardboard.
Sandeep: *pout*
Felicia: But in a good way.
Sandeep: It was like Marty McFly kissing his mom in Back to the Future. Just... uncomfortable.
There was also about 10 minutes worth of discussion about 90s kids' game shows for no real reason. Legends of the Hidden Temple FTW.
I also learned that Codex was the name of Felicia's own avatar, but now she can't use it because everyone takes it. So she has a new name and she's not telling anyone.
Someone asked about creepiest fans. Sandeep had someone ask to take a picture cradling him. He said no. Erin had a creepy Sailor Moon crossplayer take a photo with her and whisper into her ear that she was brave. Robin talked about that guy who shows up at every convention, tells you he hates you, then buys all your stuff. That guy is always there. Felcia had once signed a guy's shoulder to be tatooed so he could win a bet, but his friend never paid up and she felt guilty about it forever.
They closed by talking about what superpower they wanted. Felicia wants the ability to speak all languages. Sandeep countered with the power to 80s montage learn thing . He could just montage learn languages. He wins.
This panel was really one of the top things I've heard in life, even with creepy, creepy Alf. By the time it was over, Shells and I were both spent for the day. We had our token nice meal with grown-up beverages to remind us that we were grown-ups... then we went to bed at like 9pm. It's hard when geeks start getting old, yo.
Day 3 write-up is on its way.