The following is an entry for the writing competition,
therealljidol. Prompt:
"When you live for someone you're prepared to die" Please also visit my teammates' work:
prog_schlock, &
i_love_freddie = = =
Two years I hoped for a time,
when I would see two pink lines,
and suddenly, there they were.
Thirty-eight weeks I waited,
my breath bated,
for my little one to come into the world.
Sixteen hours it took
For me to finally look
Upon your beautiful face.
Eight days old you were
when in a terrifying blur,
You stopped breathing.
Six days in the hospital we stayed
as I hoped and prayed
that you would be okay.
Countless tests were run
so shortly after your life had begun
to solve this mystery.
24 hours of a tube down your throat and nose
showed us what we needed to know
acid reflux had been blocking your airway.
Eight months of medicine every day
Helped you in every way,
And kept you safe from harm.
Now approaching your fifth birthday
Healthy and perfect in every way,
No words for the gratitude in my heart.
Some wonder how mothers do it,
How they can intuit
How to handle these things that arise.
An attacking bear, or a building on fire,
Nothing can match a mother's desire
to keep her baby safe.
It isn't even a choice
I cannot speak it with my voice
The love I hold for you.
Now that you're here,
The only base for all I fear
is how to keep you safe.
And you are the one for whom I live
and in a second, anything I'd give
for you to always live so well and true.
Little boy, I'd give everything for you.