Title: A single moment
Character: Park Jaebeom
Rating: mind's too jumbled to rate but G i guess?
Summary: How could a single mistake, a single moment, ruin everything?
A/N: i'm pretty sure you all know this but recently Jae just resigned from 2pm, like gone. So I though I'd dedicate this little drabble to him.
He never thought things would end like this.
One moment he's laughing with the guys, succesful and on top. He's loved by his fans and his members, his brothers, his family.
Then a single, stupid remark blew it all away, as if it was never there, like smoke and mirrors.
He lost his career, his friends, his fame and his life, for three little words;
"korea is gay"
He sighed, looking out the airplane window, fogging up from the damp night sky, blurring the view of Korea from his vision. He held a picture of 2pm in his hands, faintly trembling, staring at the seat in front of him.
It hadn't even been a week and just like that, everything came crashing down on him. The weight of the world on his shoulders got too heavy.
To be quite honest, he still couldn't fully comprehend what happened, it was like some drunken blur, one big awful nightmare, and he was just counting the seconds until he woke up.
His eyes where wet, it just made everything blurrier and he couldn't think, his head ached and he just wanted to take it all back and apologize and lose himself in begging for forgiveness.
But now all he could do was cry.
He just wanted to wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up Park Jaebeom!
Wake up!
His eyes shot open, sweat dripping from his brow and tears streaming down his cheeks.
It was all a dream.
"Flight 181 arriving into Seattle"
And the weight of the world came crashing down.
A/N: fuck you netizens.