Yeah, so I'm bored. Just thought I'd throw that out there. Aaaaanyway, here is a lovely little project I've been working on. More Belarus. Yaaaay~
(Edit: ^ Larger version, woo! Click to enlarge~)
Yeah. So this is Belarus! 8D Made of paper! 8D
It was freakin' hard to get this far 'cause I'm all impatient and kept cutting things out wrong. No part of this was drawn on, it's all made out of little bits of paper. ;^; So much gluing. So much mess. Anyway, the sunflower was made by the same method. The sunflower, however, is attached to an envelope. I just needed something to put Belarus on so I could take a picture, and mah envelope seemed appropriate. XD;
Anyway, I'm not sure if I want to finish it anymore. I may try to. Or I might start over. Probably I'll just drop it altogether. XD; Well, that's all folks!