[20:02:26][G] [Yelp]: so....friday not such a good day anymore?
[20:02:56][G] [Gallowbraid]: everyone hates friday
[20:03:03][G] [Evianne]: it seems like it
[20:03:17][G] [Evianne]: when was the last time we raided friday anyways?
[20:04:50][G] [Astie]: so can i go back to sleep :(
[20:05:01][G] [Gallowbraid]: i was thnking the same thing
[20:05:01][G] [Evianne]: i'm just hungry
[20:05:07][G] [Astie]: i'm hungry too
[20:05:10][G] [Astie]: life is terrible
[20:05:15][G] [Generator]: But
[20:05:16][G] [Gallowbraid]: i ate waaay to much
[20:05:16][G] [Generator]: But.
[20:05:19][G] [Generator]: Mimiron.
[20:05:22][G] [Generator]: Drakes.
[20:05:28][G] [Gallowbraid]: drakesa re good
[20:05:35][G] [Gallowbraid]: but where are the healers
[20:05:38][G] [Evianne]: especially deep fried
[20:05:38][G] [Astie]: we're not gonna kill mim with less than a full raid
[20:05:47][G] [Generator]: :(
[20:05:57][G] [Evianne]: and i'd have to go frost
[20:06:07][G] [Gallowbraid]: no one cares what your spec is
[20:06:13][G] [Evianne]: i dont care what YOUR spec is
[20:06:14][G] [Generator]: I'd have to heal.
[20:06:15][G] [Gallowbraid]: or so i hear
[20:06:18][G] [Gallowbraid]: from astie
[20:06:22][G] [Astie]: wat
[20:06:37][G] [Evianne]: i like being frost, but it will take longer to kill things
[20:06:41][G] [Gallowbraid]: i mean i care
[20:06:46][G] [Gallowbraid]: but astie doesnt
[20:06:54][G] [Astie]: i actually hate all of you
[20:06:59][G] [Astie]: so i don't give a fuck about any of it!
[20:07:00][G] [Astie]: what now
[20:07:02][G] [Astie]: what now HUH
[20:07:02][G] [Generator]: I *seriously* doubt that.
[20:07:13][G] [Gallowbraid]: how can anyone hate Gen
[20:07:19][G] [Evianne]: i do
[20:07:20][G] [Gallowbraid]: that is not possible
[20:07:21][G] [Evianne]: its easy
[20:07:24][G] [Astie]: i hate him so that he doesn't float away from ego
[20:07:32][G] [Astie]: it's a counterbalance measure, evi and i are working on it
[20:07:36][G] [Generator]: I don't have an ego.
[20:07:39][G] [Evianne]: lol
[20:07:40][G] [Generator]: I'm just *really* good.
[20:07:44][G] [Astie]: see
[20:07:45][G] [Gallowbraid]: he is
[20:07:48][G] [Astie]: it's like a hot air balloon
[20:07:50][G] [Evianne]: ego makes me think of eggo
[20:07:50][G] [Gallowbraid]: prove he isnt
[20:07:56][G] [Evianne]: eggo makes me thinkg of food
[20:07:57][G] [Generator]: I'm not good at Warcraft.
[20:07:58][G] [Astie]: goddammit evi
[20:08:00][G] [Evianne]: food makes me hungry
[20:08:09][G] [Generator]: I'm just good at Eco-Bear 2010.
[20:08:10][G] [Astie]: NOW I'M HUNGRIER. YOU ARE A BAD PERSON :(
[20:08:14][G] [Evianne]: OH GOD
[20:08:15][G] [Gallowbraid]: lack of food makes you ungry
[20:08:16][G] [Astie]: duuuuuuuuuuuuude
[20:08:16][G] [Generator]: The best bear driving simulator in the app store.
[20:08:19][G] [Evianne]: Gallow go look at that game
[20:08:23][G] [Evianne]: go look at it right now
[20:08:25][G] [Astie]: i sent that to my coworker, gen
[20:08:31][G] [Generator]: Eco bear!?
[20:08:35][G] [Astie]: he was like "what the fuck is this ahahaha"
[20:08:41][G] [Generator]: What was it again? Enviro-Bear thats it.
[20:08:45][G] [Evianne]: yeah
[20:08:45][G] [Astie]: i told him to download it and drive with his beararms
[20:08:56][G] [Gallowbraid]: a bear driving sim?
[20:08:57][G] [Generator]: bear *arm*. Bears do not know how to drive.
[20:09:00][G] [Generator]: He can only use one paw.
[20:09:03][G] [Generator]: Yes.
[20:09:09][G] [Evianne]: you have to read the synopsis of the game
[20:09:10][G] [Pythagoris]: evening all
[20:09:13][G] [Astie]: hihi
[20:09:32][G] [Evianne]: you throw fish at people and stuff
[20:09:37][G] [Gallowbraid]: i like dance dance hyper bass e x alpha rancher rally, it is a driving dancing fishing game
[20:09:39][G] [Evianne]: from your car
[20:09:45][G] [Fartuna]: sorry i was alt tabbed
[20:09:57][G] [Gallowbraid]: fuck sake tuna
[20:10:07][G] [Astie]: ffssssssss
[20:10:09][G] [Gallowbraid]: you cant just walk into the middle of a conversation
[20:10:12][G] [Fartuna]: we dont has the people to raid tonight i think
[20:10:20][G] [Pythagoris]: how can you fuck sake? its a liquid
[20:10:25][G] [Generator]: [
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fZyAlGKysw][20:10:25][G] [Gallowbraid]: the world does nto start and sto pat your convienence
[20:10:30][G] [Fartuna]: someone tell gallow he is on ignore
[20:10:32][G] [Generator]: Enviro Bear 2010.
[20:10:35][G] [Astie]: does it start and stop at mine?
[20:11:11][G] [Gallowbraid]: you are out of your element Astie
[20:11:20][G] [Astie]: what's my element again?
[20:11:28][G] [Generator]: Not being Rugged.
[20:11:29][G] [Astie]: can it be tungsten
[20:11:30][G] [Fartuna]: soo, do we want to just continue monday?
[20:11:30][G] [Generator]: That's mine
[20:11:38][G] [Gallowbraid]: not sure yet, have not finished my study
[20:11:40][G] [Generator]: Know any friends who would come?
[20:11:40][G] [Pythagoris]: continue what monday?
[20:11:42][G] [Evianne]: i'm Ag
[20:11:49][G] [Astie]: gallow, going through my trash is not really a "study"
[20:12:01][G] [Astie]: and i'd appreciate it if you'd stop leaving stuff in my mailbox :(
[20:12:11][G] [Astie]: yeah tuna that's fine with me
[20:12:11][G] [Gallowbraid]: look i have a degree in stalking, i think i know how to study someone
[20:12:17][G] [Astie]: well FINE
[20:12:24][G] [Astie]: but enough with the dead birds okay
[20:12:27][G] [Astie]: it's creepy :(
[20:12:29][G] [Evianne]: what school did you go to?
[20:12:29][G] [Gallowbraid]: i have a request
[20:12:31][G] [Fartuna]: qwer
[20:12:33][G] [Evianne]: was it one of those online schools?
[20:12:35][G] [Astie]: qwer!
[20:12:39][G] [Generator]: qwer.
[20:12:39][G] [Astie]: what's your request
[20:12:42][G] [Evianne]: qwer
[20:12:44][G] [Gallowbraid]: i have a few outfits i would like you to sleep in
[20:12:48][G] [Astie]: ..
[20:12:59][G] [Generator]: go on.
[20:13:01][G] [Gallowbraid]: that part is more for a study on me though
[20:13:06][G] [Fartuna]: Popeye costume
[20:13:10][G] [Generator]: I have a Bear Suit.
[20:13:11][G] [Astie]: i'm half curious and half horrified
[20:13:14][G] [Astie]: this is an odd feeling.
[20:13:22][G] [Evianne]: like a train wreck?
[20:13:24][G] [Gallowbraid]: people around me get that alot
[20:13:25][G] [Astie]: yeahhh
[20:13:36][G] [Astie]: i think i just made a face like biting into a lemon
[20:13:57][G] [Generator]: I'm going to go eat food now. Farewell.
[20:14:03][G] [Astie]: have fun bye!
[20:14:06][G] [Fartuna]: sounds good
[20:14:06][G] [Gallowbraid]: god speed
[20:14:07][G] [Evianne]: i am going to join him
[20:14:12][G] [Fartuna]: better luck monday
[20:14:15][G] [Astie]: bye guys
[20:14:18][G] [Generator]: Monday will be fine.
[20:14:21][G] [Astie]: yup; see y'all sunday
[20:14:22][G] [Generator]: We hav a soild group.
[20:14:31][G] [Gallowbraid]: i am going to wait 15 mins, wake up the wife for work then sleep until crawley wakes me
[20:14:37][G] [Generator]: If only people would PLAY ON FRIDAY.
[20:14:44][G] [Generator]: Present company excluded.
[20:14:49][G] [Astie]: shiiiiiiiiiiit
[20:14:53][G] [Fartuna]: are you sure crawley will wake you
[20:14:54][G] [Gallowbraid]: i can play on saturdays
[20:14:58][G] [Gallowbraid]: its shabas
[20:15:05][G] [Gallowbraid]: cant rather
[20:15:34][G] [Gallowbraid]: i am watching the big lebowski if no one has caught on yet
[20:15:35][G] [Fartuna]: dont give me this day of rest bullshit
[20:15:42][G] [Gallowbraid]: lol
[20:16:05][G] [Fartuna]: can you dress up like The Jesus before bed astie
[20:16:21][G] [Gallowbraid]: very interesting
[20:16:22][G] [Fartuna]: i think it would help gallow a lot
[20:16:27][G] [Gallowbraid]: i need to study that
[20:16:41][G] [Gallowbraid]: see if it makes me more or less interested
[20:17:02][G] [Wrong]: qat...isn't it DK's that walk on water?
[20:17:17][G] [Fartuna]: they can ya
[20:17:19][G] [Pythagoris]: shamans and priests can also
[20:17:25][G] [Pythagoris]: well priests hover
[20:17:34][G] [Gallowbraid]: too good to walk huh
[20:17:37][G] [Gallowbraid]: jerks
[20:17:40][G] [Wrong]: sooo...which class did Jesus play?
[20:17:43][G] [Pythagoris]: yeah damn them!
I'm tired, it's hot, whine whine.