(no subject)

Oct 22, 2009 11:06

Rape Victim's Choice: Risk AIDS or Health Insurance?

Framing Health Care Debate As Battle Of Sexes

Two-Year-Old Denied Insurance For Not Weighing Enough

Heavy infant in Grand Junction denied health insurance

Enough. Enough already.

I've had some uncomfortable interactions with a few friends recently; had to tell a few people--that honestly surprised me--not to use racial slurs, or derogatory language, or make xenophobic remarks in my presence. Seriously, is it that hard to not make n*word jokes? Or to not say "if you're gonna work in our country, speak english"? Or to not refer to things you think are bad as "gay"? I didn't think that any of those were staunch requirements for spending time in my company. Just cut it the fuck out, everyone, seriously. It's not gonna fly around me, and yes, I *will* make you feel like an asshole. You know why? BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING ONE. No, I will not "get a sense of humor." You know why? Because that shit's not funny. And I couldn't give a fuck less if you have "gay friends" who let you use gay negatively, or "piles" of black friends--like the judge in Louisiana who won't let interracial couples marry. I mean, c'mon, he lets them use his bathroom, what more could you ask for?

Cut it the fuck out, or get the fuck out of my life. I don't have room for that around me, and when you use those words--and it's not a fucking long list! Don't use racial slurs, don't say things are gay or retarded, and don't make blustery ~our country speak english!~ remarks--you sound like an empty-headed bigot. I don't have time or space for that shit.

Get it, or get out. No other options.

Vague TMI: IUD aftermath sucks ass, y'all. Hopefully it'll get better, but goddamn, it sucks right this second.

Facebook also sucks. Account temporarily unavailable, my ass. FIX IT I AM BORED.

ETA: For something slightly less rage inducing, here:

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politics, grr, personal

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