Tidbits of information and pictures of each character.
Subject: #326
Name: “Ward”
Species: Elric
Variant: Edward
Age: Sub-adult, 8 years
Height: 5’3
Weight: 51kg
Temperament: Unknown, treat with care.
Identifying features: ID tag in right ear. Is wearing scavenged human clothing as pelts. Indicates that subject may be alchemically disabled. Further observation needed.
Territory: #326 appears to be located near the Mustang territory led by #194 and the Heiderich territory occupied by #87. Den location unknown.
Pack/Pairbond: N/A
Subject: #87
Name: “Fons”
Species: Alfons/Alphonse
Variant: Heiderich
Age: Adult, 10 years
Height: 5’4
Weight: 71kg
Temperament: Quiet and wary. Must be observed quietly or from hidden locations.
Identifying features: N/A
Territory: Small territory based around river, overlaps with #197’s territory. Fluctuates in size as #87 roams.
Pack/Pairbond: N/A
Subject: #194
Name: “Sting”
Species: Mustang
Variant: Colonel
Age: Adult, 16 years
Height: 5’8
Weight: 98kg
Temperament: Calm. Keep distance when observing. Communicates to itself.
Identifying features: Battle scars and burns on back. One ear flops, other ear torn. Crooked tail.
Territory: #194’s territory is a large, triangular range occupied from the artificial feeder, bordering up against #87’s territory until the river before crossing over an unidentified Envy territory. Mustang base and den present at Burning Hill.
Pack/Pairbond: Hughes and Havoc. Hawkeye and Fuery deceased