II and I love democracy. Well, not really. But it's not like we can come up with what to name the upcoming bambino without YOUR HELP. Because Judge Judy is on and we cannot get by without her sensible yet fierce rulings.
These are supposed to be boys' names. More polls will follow at our discretion.
Poll babies!!!YAY BABY
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Comments 9
Can't be mine. Can't be. Must be. No, can't be.
...what if he was thinking 'gosh I'd like some baby back ribs' only he was cut off MID THOUGHT or something? o.o
If Saruman's the father, kill it.
If Denethor's the father, I'll cry, but probably still kill it.
If Someone-Else-You-Two-Have-Been-Banging-Behind-(Or-in-front-of)-My-Back is the father, KILL IT.
If YOU are the father, we'll have to wait and see if it's mutated or not before I decide whether or not to have mercy.
I don't suppose it's genetically possible for me to--- but it's not genetically possible for him to be pregnant in the first place, is it?... ....... .......
Denethor and II would have a very attractive child. Do not kill it.
If you name it Boo Radley, no harm will come to it from me, anyway.
Well. Anyone Brí listed. Eru, I'm a slut. Uh. Anyway.
Denny and I would make a pretty baby. A PRETTY NON MUTANT. I hope it's him. It'll have my wit and his hatred for everything. Like my mun!
I'm too tired to figure out others. :( I want a coke.
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