I think I rather dislike that feminism quiz. A lot of the questions seem quite loaded, and just restricting possible answers to a "yes" or "no," "true" or "false" view set can really throw the results I think. :/ I definitely sympathize with feminists, though. Maybe not the very extremist ones (extreme anything is a problem), but in general. ^^
U of L, huh? How do you like it there? My mom went to uni there for a while. :3
I heartily agree...but then, that's the way these tests tend to be, overly simple, so the results are definitely never to be trusted. ;P
My feelings about UofL are mixed. ;P Perhaps even more than the rest of the city, it reflects a conservative, right-wing mindset that doesn't sit well with me in the least. (The quiz was right about that, at least. *LOL*) And it's definitely not a terribly safe place to be gay. ^^;
However, in academic terms, it serves me well enough. ;P I'm a psych major, and our psych department is one of our strongest, so it works out well for me, particularly given that my area of study in particular is sex, and we've had a couple of psycho-sexual researchers gravitate towards the university. Just my luck. ^_^
Silly question, but was it you who said your sister or someone wanted my mood set? XD I made a post about it in my journal, but I forgot WHO asked for it, and nobody responded that it was them... ^^;
Nope, definitely not me...I'm not sure where your moodset is from, and I'm fairly certain ra_se_n would have no idea either...she's even less out of touch with popular culture than I am. ;P Not to mention, she doesn't use her LJ...I don't even think she knows what a moodset is, to be truthful. ^^;;;
Heh, that figures...there's an article about the Evangelion movie on the same page, and it's been in development for so long now I had certainly decided it had to have been abandoned. *LOL*
You mean the EVA movie never came out? I remember reading about that at least three or four years ago! I figured it had been released, sucked, and promptly vanished from the collective conscience.
Comments 22
U of L, huh? How do you like it there? My mom went to uni there for a while. :3
I got Gender-Liberal (and a very odd picture) myself.
My feelings about UofL are mixed. ;P Perhaps even more than the rest of the city, it reflects a conservative, right-wing mindset that doesn't sit well with me in the least. (The quiz was right about that, at least. *LOL*) And it's definitely not a terribly safe place to be gay. ^^;
However, in academic terms, it serves me well enough. ;P I'm a psych major, and our psych department is one of our strongest, so it works out well for me, particularly given that my area of study in particular is sex, and we've had a couple of psycho-sexual researchers gravitate towards the university. Just my luck. ^_^
Good luck finding whoever it was, though. ^^
And my mood set is from Tenth Kingdom. Good mini-series movie. Highly recommend it. XD
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