Title: Breaking the Ice
Author: Ellie Biel
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Characters/pairing: Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for
stagesoflove theme Five Colors - Blue
Part 1:
Shuttlecock, Part 2:
It's the Thought That Counts His eyes were on Relena as she and Heero's friend walked toward the paddleboats, but his other senses were hyperaware of Heero's presence next to him - the smell of the shaving cream he'd used, the warmth of Heero's arm next to his on the table, and the sound of Heero's breathing.
Duo hadn't expected to be nervous. He hoped Relena didn't find out because he'd never hear the end of it.
All week long he'd been bragging about how Heero was going to be putty in his hands, that no man failed to be won over by Duo Maxwell's charm and charisma. Relena had only hit him with her purse once and she'd seemed genuinely excited for him - and why wouldn't she be? Heero was everything that Duo ever dreamed of in a man as far as looks went, and the guy played badminton. Anyone who looked like that and could play such a wussy game had to be pretty down to earth and not terribly hung up on himself.
He'd brought a friend for Relena, too. Duo hadn't been expecting that. He was nearly euphoric at the idea of spending some quality time, alone, with Heero, but all week, it had only been a fantasy that Relena would beg off at the last minute. Of course in his daydreams she'd also given him the keys to her Camaro - there were no holds barred for Duo while he was constructing his dream date.
The problem was that now he'd gotten exactly what he wanted - with the exception of the car - and all the charm he exuded when he was with Relena seemed to have gone for a walk toward the paddleboats along with her. Now she and Wufei were just a red and white dot on the water and Duo turned toward Heero, a sheepish look on his face.
"It's tough when they leave the nest."
Heero smiled at him. "I owe Wufei a free oil change for coming with me today."
It made Duo feel immensely relieved, and he replied with the first thing that came to mind. "He looks like he could use his dipstick checked." He realized afterwards that he didn't know Heero well enough to kid about his friends that way, and although he'd never believed in pretending to be someone he wasn't, this was one of those times when he wish life had a rewind button.
Heero didn't seem to notice his discomfiture. "Maybe. I wouldn't know."
Yes. That meant Heero and Wufei were just friends, and not the kind with benefits. Not that Duo thought Heero would be the type to take his ex or current fuck-buddy with him on a date, but it was nice to have that confirmation.
It'd be even nicer to have a silver tongue so he could sweep Heero off his feet, but he seemed incapable of doing more than just staring. He just hoped he wasn't giving Heero the creeps. "So," he said, "badminton."
Heero propped his head on his hand and stared right back. "Great game. Ever play it?"
"I have." Every other night since they'd gone to Sports Authority to pick up the gear, and each of those nights had cost him a promise to top off Relena's gas tank. At this rate the gauge would never read below three-quarters. Looking at Heero sitting next to him, though - it had been worth it.
"We should play sometime."
"We should."
The mutual staring continued for a while, and then Heero said, "Let's make this easy. I'm a Scorpio, my favorite breakfast is Berry Burst Cheerios right out of the box, I'd rather take a day off on Wednesday than have a three-day weekend, I'm ambidextrous, and my favorite color is red. Your turn."
It wasn't the best start of conversations, but the point was that it was still a start. Duo mirrored Heero's pose, his elbow squashing a fat french fry onto the table. He didn't care.
"I'm a Gemini - Duo, get it? I like Western omelets for breakfast, but I prefer them for brunch. I'm looking forward to my next three-day weekend, I'm right-handed, and my favorite color..."
The grease from the flattened bit of fried potato served as a lubricant between his elbow and the table, and he felt his arm sliding away a little. Heero seemed more interested in what Duo had to say than in what was going on out in his peripheral vision, and Duo was lost in Heero's steel blue gaze. Without breaking eye contact, he sat up straight and wiped the mashed fry off his arm.
"My favorite color is blue."