Title: At the Touch of a Button
Author: Ellie Biel
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Characters/pairing: Heero Yuy/Duo Maxwell
Warnings: I think I'm getting worse each week, and closer to the deadline every time!
stagesoflove Five Colors: Yellow
Part 1:
Shuttlecock, Part 2:
It's the Thought That Counts, Part 3:
Breaking the Ice By the time Relena and Wufei had rejoined them, Heero had learned a few things about Duo. He knew that Duo, for all his teasing of Relena, was a protective friend. He discovered that he and Duo both preferred their fries dipped in gravy rather than catsup. He even found out that while Duo had a ribald sense of humor, he tended to share it only with friends he was comfortable with.
Remembering Duo's earlier comment about the dipstick made Heero feel even more pleased than he had when he'd finally managed to bribe Wufei into coming on this date with him, and almost as much as he'd been when Duo had looked relieved to find out he and Wufei were only friends.
Honestly, although Heero and Wufei had been friends a while, he had no idea which team Wufei played for, or if he was a switch hitter, but it wouldn't have mattered. While he respected Wufei, enjoyed spending time with him, and considered him attractive, there had never been any chemistry between them. It hadn't ever crossed his mind that there should be, either, but it still made him feel incredibly happy that Duo had wanted to know.
Maybe he should have felt insulted that Duo might think he'd bring someone he'd ever been involved with along, but he supposed there was a certain logic to the idea. Someone he was close to, who knew Heero's quirks and tastes, might pick up on signs that he'd met the wrong person before he would, but Heero preferred to find out on his own and to make his own mistakes.
It was probably for that reason that he'd been single for as long as he had. He wasn't being overly critical of the men he'd dated once and never again, it was just that there had never been that spark.
It had been there last week, for the first time in a very long time, and Heero had issued the invitation almost before he'd realized what he was doing.
Wufei had been rather put out that Heero hadn't even set a time for this date, but he'd known how important it was to Heero to pursue this, even if there had been no guarantee that Duo would show up. He probably would have come along even if Heero hadn't promised him an oil change, but that would have meant they both acknowledged how important it was to Heero, and that would have made it even worse if Duo hadn't shown.
Heero had known, though. He hadn't been the only one to feel it, and while Heero didn't believe in love at first sight, he believed that there could be chemistry, a connection, after exchanging only a few words.
He stood up and reached into his pocket as Relena and Wufei approached the table.
"Here," he said, tossing his key to Wufei.
"What's this?"
It was obvious what it was, but Wufei liked to have things spelled out for him. Heero didn't mind, however. He'd been counting on it, and Duo did look like he was holding his breath waiting for the answer.
"It's a nice day," Heero shrugged. "I thought I'd walk home."
Duo caught on immediately. "You know, Relena, I've got all this french fry grease on my arm," he bent his elbow to show her the shiny streak. "I'd really hate to get it on your upholstery."
Heero was ready to offer Relena an oil change, too, when instead of suggesting he go visit the rest room and make use of the sink in there, she said, "Not as much as I would." She looked over at Heero and held his gaze for nearly a minute before nodding at him slightly.
"Just remember, Duo, red means stop, green means go, and yellow does not mean run like hell."
"Actually, pedestrians have to obey those little walk, don't walk signs, but thanks."
"Actually," Heero interrupted, "pedestrians can influence the timing of those lights by pressing a little silver button."
Wufei jangled the keys in his hand. "And actually," he said, "I'm taking off. It was nice meeting you. Duo." He turned, took Relena's hand, and bowed his head over it. "Relena."
He walked away and without turning around, yelled back at them, "Yellow also means coward!"
"Well," Duo said. "I hope he doesn't mean me, because I'm no yellow bellied coward."
If Relena was still standing there, Heero didn't notice. He turned to look at Duo and said, "Glad to hear that.
"Neither am I."