Title: It’s Always Open Season On Princesses Part 24
Spoilers: Through S2
Word Count: 3394
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
AN: So this chapter starts what I would call the third and final act of this story. There's not much here though. More of a bridge chapter than anything. It can't all be morning sex and angry fights though. I can't tell you
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Comments 30
Stage Three Prostate Cancer? That's not good. I wonder if Pierce is freaking out and that's why he asked for Annie.
And poor Annie. Jeff really was harsh and that had to have just gutted her. I can't imagine what the flight from Rome was like.
I can't believe Rich got caught off just as he was about to tell Annie what Camilla had been up to! It must be a whopper, because I can't imagine you would torture us over an insignificant detail.
Wait, would you? lol
And what was Jeff about to say? Was it something other than his almost, sorta apology? (And really, he needs to actually say the word sorry if he wants people to believe he's sincere.)
I loved how Abed immediately assumed that Jeff was on edge because of a fight with Annie. And I can't wait until Abed's movie is finished. I have this picture in my mind of the whole group watching, and Annie and Jeff's reactions in particular, and I'm cracking up already.
Ugh, Rich got *cut* off. This is what I get for leaving feedback when I can barely keep my eyes open.
Jeff and Annie are not in such a good place right now. I think Jeff technically knows that he needs to fix it, but isn't sure how. And Rich had some important information for Annie, but she can't finish a phone conversation apparently.
Thank you so much for reading. I can't help but notice that there was no dirty joke here. Don't let that happen again.
( ... )
Sums up the Jeff/Annie situation, the Pierce situation AND the sneaky creepy Camilla situation.
Looking forward to more.
Secret about Camilla you say? Hmmmm.....
Thank you for reading!
Thanks for reading.
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