Player Name: Stephanie
Age: 20+
Timezone: US EST
Personal Journal:
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Name: Antonio Fernandez Carriedo (Spain)
Age: Physically he appears to be 25. He is actually much older than that.
Gender: Male.
Fandom: Axis Powers Hetalia
Timeline: I'm taking Spain from his "modern day" era. That is, no conquistador or Boss Spain here, as badass as he is.
Here is a Wiki source. Character Personality: Back in his youthful and powerful prime, Spain was a conquistador, looking for gold, wealth, land and, of course, easier trade routes. Even back then, however, he seemed to have a smiling aura around him despite a conquering hunger and then his eventual brutal fall. This, of course, is due to the sun that always shines on his land as well as his constant and undying passion. (As he is the country of PASSION, after all!)
After his "humbling", his personality became more apparent. His smiling nature shined just as brightly as the sun as he proved to have a soft spot for children, animals and things that he deems cute. He is unafraid to show his feelings so if Spain is happy, he sparkles and if he's sad, he cries. Just watch out if he loves you because copious hugs and marriage proposals are not below him! On top of this demeanor, he is also very thickheaded. It is very easy to run circles about him and while he can appear very naive and oblivious, it is mostly because he is completely unable to read any situation. (However, whether that is because he actually can't or whether he just doesn't try is a mystery in and of itself.) It would not be uncommon for Spain to mistake someone's feelings and say something completely inappropriate during the situation.
Despite all of this, Spain has been known to be two-faced. The once mighty conquistador may treat some people nicely, but he has been known to turn around and not show that same sort of kindness to others.
Character Abilities: Spain's most powerful ability is his Cheer-Up Charm, a sparkling hug that has the power to bring anyone out of a bad mood! (Unfortunately, it hasn't worked yet.) He also has the ability to harvest delicious tomatoes, laugh at inappropriate times, sleep for nearly an entire day and stalk small children.
His former abilities include wielding a large halberd and may also involve commanding troops efficiently, sailing ships, navigation and other necessary skills that a mighty nation needs to take over the world.
He also speaks Spanish.
Character Weaknesses: His biggest weakness is his inability to read a situation. He is quite easy to take advantage of and has been several times. The oblivious thickheadedness he so often exhibits would sooner be his downfall than engaging him in a battle to the death. There have been times when a situation is clear and obvious but Spain will enter with an oblivious smile, unable to effectively tell what is going on.
A long time ago, the Spanish Empire was glorious as seen here:
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/95/Spanish-empire-01.png However, in the Hetalia-verse, it was able to be taken down a few notches by England's pirates. Unable to read the situation and see the England was doing it purposefully rather than just lacking the power to control his own pirates, Spain repeatedly asked for help in vain. Unfortunately, the situation did not end well for Spain.
However, other such weaknesses would include cute things stopping him dead in his tracks as well as his incurable laziness. Sleeping for several hours a day and trying not to life a single finger would be an ideal situation for Spain. While he is very quick to protect and defend people and things that are important to him, he is definitely the type of person to not sweat the small things if he doesn't need to. (This could be seen as a weakness in and of itself when he is around Romano who tends to sweat EVERYTHING. Not being concerned enough in a situation could result in a swift headbutt to the face if Spain is not careful!)
Spain is a strong character, it would merely be his daftness that would take him down (more than it already has).
Why your character should be a Weapon: Spain is a weapon because he feels a connection to the halberd since he used one "back in the day". His leading skills may have let him down before, however, this time around, he may prove successful as the weapon instead of the wielder. (Plus, he's lazy so he feels this is the easier way out.)
What is your character's Weapon form?: Spain's weapon form is a Spanish halberd. They way it looks can be seen in
this picture. (He is the one on the far left holding a long-handled axe.) He is seen with this a few times in canon so it seemed only appropriate to make it his weapon form. He can be swung mightily and be used to slice, dice, chop, cut and other such violent terms that may or may not classify him as a glorified Slap-Chop.
Soul Description: Bright, sunny, passionate, thick, lazy, fun.
Soul Appearance: RED. Spain's soul is a passionate shade of red. As the sun always shines on him, his soul is bright like the sun, however that doesn't reflect power or anything, just his sunny disposition. Though, if that doesn't succeed in reflecting that, the big dopey smile on the soul will do a good enough job.