Grave Dangerrrrrr!! *squee*

Sep 16, 2005 18:32

'kay, as this could be pretty spoilerish...

Okay so first of all....OMG POOR NICK :-( :-( Okay, now that that's out... It was an awesome episode. Definetely one of my favourites, burial or no.

Sara's line: "Guys, Nick is here." BEST LINE EVER!! Possibly my Snicker side coming through but me loves it anyway <33

Kelly Gordon's interrogation: I don't know how Sara restrained herself from strangling Kelly at this point. "I hope your friend dies." How much more evil do you get? Holy crap. I mean I guess she's had a hard time; jail for something she [possibly] didn't do, having to stop her studies, hearing that her dad blew himself up. But God....I don't know if I could've held myself from killing her. The look on Sara's face was pure murder.

Warrick saying he would've pulled the trigger: No way. I agree with Cath on this one; he definetely wouldn't have done it. He's stronger than that.

Ecklie not being an asshole: Finally he's growing on me. To quote Pirates of the Caribbean? "One act of good is not enough to save a man from a lifetime of wickedness." I disagree. Ecklie finally showed a heart and it's definetely good for him.

Hodges fighting the delivery guy: YAY HODGES! Haha Cath's line is also priceless: Shut up! Hee ^.^

Greg and Hodges' interaction scene: HAHAHA PRICELESS! Though I can't quite see Greg playing a board game with Hodges- let alone Dukes of Hazzard, except maybe if there was a picture of Jessica Simpson on the board- it was definetely cool. Hodges is really starting to grow on me.

Nick going to see Kelly Gordon at the jail: Aww that was so sweet...I mean poor Nick buried alive by this girl's dad and then he goes to see her and tells her not to keep it with her. Only Nick would do that.
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