Well, this one was somewhat different, wasn't it? As I watched it, I liked it, but it didn't have me loving it as much as last week's, or the first one. My collected thoughts are behind the cut, complete with some musings on the dynamic between the Doctor and Rose.
Firstly the bits I loved:
- Mickey's "What are you looking at?" followed by a strangled squeak.
- The dancing euphenism amused me even though my shipper side was going 'NO!'
- Drunk!Hippy!Doctor :D
- The horse and the Doctor being the proverbial Knight in Shining Armour.
- Thought the whole Mind Meld thing was interesting.
- References to the banana.
- I jumped at the thing moving under the bed....
- "You're not keeping the horse." "I let you keep Mickey!"
- "It's a temporal hyperlink!" "What's that?" "No idea. Just made it up. I didn't want to say 'magic door'."
I thought the acting was very well done, it was such an angsty and bittersweet storyline. The single tear on Rose's face, the Doctor finding Mme Du Pompadour was dead, the look on Rose's face as she asks him what's wrong. I'm not sure why it is that the Doctor likes Mme Du Pompadour so much (aside the whole girlfriend thing in RL) but it's so sad to see this come what is to us, directly after Sarah Jane.
It seems to hit very close to home after last weeks episode, doesn't it? Makes you wonder what is going through her head. First Nine dies, then Sarah-Jane appears, and now this. It wouldn't surprise me if she feels more than a little snubbed. She's given up everything for the Doctor, she put herself in danger to save his life, and when he regenerates, the dynamic changes so dramatically. It's got to suck, somewhat. Especially if you consider that if she loves the Doctor, as has been claimed by RTD and others many times, then to see him give it all up for another woman - essentially to give her up for another woman - must be so terribly galling.
With Mickey suddenly thrust into the mix too, and Rose's reaction to him coming aboard, it must be giving her much to think about - why the Doctor suddenly letting him aboard when he wouldn't before (This is presuming she still doesn't know about the offer in World War 3), it seems like he is pushing her away to some extent. Certainly, it was clear from the expression on her face when she asks if he's ok that she knows something is wrong - she looked like she didn't want to leave, and had Mickey not twigged at the Doctor needing alone time (or possibly wanting to protect Rose from more pain, which is more likely), I think she would have stayed there.
Also seems unnecessarily harsh by the Doctor to abandon Mickey and Rose on a spaceship in the 51st century with no way of driving the TARDIS. Somewhat out of character, methinks...
One question: Does the Doctor think that now Mickey is with them, he is left alone, and is looking for something to fill the void?
A point made on time_and_chips mentioned that Rose was very sidelined this episode, which is a big contrast to the giggly, happy dynamic we saw in the first two episodes of the series. It seems very big U-turn to make in such a short time and doesn't seem to flow with the rest of the series so far.
All in all, a very interesting episode. 9/10 for acting, 6/10 for storyline as the reasons weren't made totally clear, and 10/10 for drunk!Doctor. (What can I say? It was funny! :D)