So, I've been reading around on a couple of communities and there's a lot of talk about the various relationship possibilities on the show. Now, I'm not one to bash other ships - people can think/ship/support what they like really, I don't mind.
I've read the spoilers for future eps, I know Gwen and Owen have an affair, that's fine. I personally think it's a bit hard on Rhys as he seems like a really lovely guy and probably deserves better treatment than that.
Anyway, the point I wanted to make is that I really don't like the idea of a Jack/Gwen relationship. Supporters of other pairings aside, I wonder if I'm the only one. Sure, there was the gun scene which screamed UST, but I'm of the opinion that it would have been the same had Jack teaching anyone else really. I know Jack was very free with his love in Doctor Who, but to me he seems very different in Torchwood, more guarded and in a way, damaged. Sure, he still flirts a lot, but I think it's more second nature than actual interest at times. I personally don't think they should pair him with anyone in the show, and I'm not sure they will. I feel there's too much to learn about him without complicating things by having him in some sort of couple.
A lot of people saying there's a lot of Chemistry between them, but I don't see that so much. I see Gwen being intrigued about Jack, possibly wanting to help him but I can't see anything beyond that.
Is it just me?