So, I'm having a conversation with a friend about Evo of the Daleks, and we're discussing how the Doctor survived the lightning strike. And it occurs to us that there have been several references this series to the Doctor being struck by various things that would be fatal to humans but won't harm him.
- He talking about playing with radiation in preschool
- He mentioned being electrocuted when he met Benjamin Franklin
- He got dosed with x-ray and didn't get affected at all
- He got knocked out in Shakespeare's time, though I forget why.
- He got electrocuted/gamma ray'd in this episode
It makes me wonder why. It could be a coincidence and I'm thinking far too much into this, it could be because Martha is a med-student so they're references to the differences between human and timelord physiology. Or it could be something else. But I don't know what.
I also think the Doctor seems a bit more trigger happy this series, asking the Daleks to kill him, throwing himself more into harms way. He's been knocked unconscious several times so far and it's just interesting.
I also believe I've read somewhere - though if it is canon or not, I don't know - that if a Dalek kills the Doctor, it bypasses his regenerations so he is just properly dead. Can anyone shed any light on that?
Any thoughts?