Doctor Who: The Sontaran Strategem

Apr 26, 2008 20:37

I totally didn't review last week's. I'll do that later.

First, may I say Martha and Donna ftw? This is just what I hoped they would be like together. :D

"She's engaged, you prawn!" I also loved Martha's reference to being engaged to a Doctor who disappears to far off places.

"He's so skinny, you hug him and get a paper cut!"

What is it with annoying child geniuses on this show? You just know it'll end badly for him, look what happened to Adam.

"I'll have a salute!"

Donna super temp! Seriously, she is so full of win.

"I can see why he likes you."

I really liked the bit where the Doctor thought Donna was leaving, and I loved her glee at catching him out. I thought his goodbye to her was really sweet.

Unexpected Bernard Cribbins! I loved how he kept mentioning aliens almost every second word and Donna's surprise that they had actually met before and not told her.

Martha, don't follow them down there!


Pleeeease realise that Martha isn't Martha, Doctor!

Don't die Wilf! And why the hell aren't they kicking the window in? That'd get him out"

Interesting thought I had about Torchwood though - what if their SUV was prepped with ATMOS - does it count as a government vehicle? And what must they make of all this in Cardiff with only three of them?

Overall, loved it, can't wait for next week's.


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