"And with that word she held them with her eyes, and in silence looked searchingly at each of them in turn. None save Legolas and Aragorn could long endure her glance." --Fellowship of the Ring, pg. 348
Galadriel was one of the greatest of all the Eldar, described as second only in power to Fëanor himself, and said to surpass even Fëanor in wisdom. She was also radiantly beautiful, and her voice was deep and clear in tone. Galadriel was the tallest of all Elven-women, with a height in modern terms approaching 6'4" (or about 193 cm). Most famous of all her attributes, though, was her shimmering golden hair, shot through with strands of silver.
"From her earliest years she had a marvellous gift of insight into the minds of others, but judged them with mercy and understanding, and she withheld her goodwill from none save only Fëanor. In him she perceived a darkness that she hated and feared, though she did not perceive that the shadow of the same evil had fallen upon the minds of all the Noldor, and upon her own."
As described in the quote above from The Silmarillion, Galadriel is said to be blessed with the ability to peer into the minds of others, but never judging them unfairly. She is able to mentally scrutinize others and discern the true quality of their characters, no matter how fair or foul they present themselves outwardly. I'm also taking the liberty to have her be able to communicate telepathically like she did in the movies and was alluded to do in the books. Galadriel is also a seer; she's gifted with foresight that allows her visions of the future, but due to being stuck in Abax, this ability isn't as strong as it would be in Middle-earth. She also doesn't have
her Mirror with her, so that's one less advantage for her.
Attention any characters with magic/mental powers of their own; Galadriel is in possession of her ring,
Nenya, which protects her from (most) mental attacks and attempts to breach her mind. She'll probably allow you into her head if she's deemed you worthy first, but due to her old, old age and experience + her ring, it would not be easy to sneak in there uninvited or unnoticed. I'm always up for plotting and working things out though, so talk to me and we'll see what we can come up with!
Now, a few questions I would love for you to answer if you're planning on CR with Galadriel!
--Note that these questions assume face-to-face interaction, not ones done over the phone!
1. Permission for Galadriel to use her mental powers to take stock of your character? Basically, to see if your character is good/bad/neutral.
2. If your character is a magic-user/supernatural being/etc. would they have some kind of mental fortifications that might hinder Galadriel rifling through their head? Feel free to make other notes/suggestions here re: your character's state of mind or anything else you feel is relevant.
3. Permission to have Galadriel communicate with your character/-s telepathically?
4. Is it okay for me to use the powers of Wikipedia to gain information about your character/s? This info would be implemented in the game re: what Galadriel discerns about them and what her impressions on them are.
5. If yes, is there anything about your character that you specifically do NOT want to be brought up? Galadriel won't reveal publicly anything private or much else either, but just so I avoid any topics you don't want to deal with in-game.
6. Anything else you can think of? Questions? If not, then have a delicious cookie and my thanks for filling this out! ♥
1. Permission for Galadriel to use her mental powers to take stock of your character? 2. If your character is a magic-user/supernatural being/etc. would they have some kind of mental fortifications that might hinder Galadriel rifling through their head? 3. Permission to have Galadriel communicate with your character/-s telepathically? 4. Is it okay for me to use the powers of Wikipedia to gain information about your character/s? 5. If yes, is there anything about your character that you specifically do NOT want to be brought up? 6. Anything else you can think of?