Okay, I can now say that I've seen Goblet of Fire since I saw the part I missed. And now I can say that I am suffused with love for that movie. The entire thing seemed a thousand times better the second time around, and I can't stop thinking about it long enough to finish my homework.
Among other things, what I enjoyed most of all - without a doubt - was Ron's character in the movie. )
Comments 3
No actually omg. I had to fight so hard to get myself into that movie theater today, Dad was giving me such a tough time. But GAHSLDKFJ I was so happy. Oh God. I could not have survived not seeing that movie any longer than I did.
Everyone was amazing. I made a huge post about it in my journal. I laughed so much too, and I teared up before Cedric went into the maze and when Dan Rad (WHO IS RAD TO ME BECAUSE HE IS AMAZING AT COVERING HIS AWKWARDNESS HE HAS SUCH A TOUGH JOB BEING AWKWARD *AND* HARRY POTTER AND I LOVE HIM) was crying over him, it was so emotional and made me really sad. ;___; But yeah. It was incredible. So happy. I might throw up.
Fred and George were great! Those boys seem like they must really have the same character in real life. And...turn Fred down after an invitation like that? Impossible! I was squeeing in my seat, and the whole audience applauded.
The licking thing was intensely dumb. And the jumping out of trees thing...apparently Mike Newell thinks it's cool, I guess. Whatever floats your boat, right?
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