I haven't updated in forever. Wow.
BUT! I haven't had as much reason to celebrate as I have right now. Ahem.
I am now officially on Winter Break, and thank God. It's strange because I don't feel as exhausted as I usually do around breaks, but I'm still grateful that it's here at all.
Oddly enough, though, I'm going to be kept pretty busy from now until when school starts back up. I've got dental appointments to get a new retainer because I stupidly lost the other one about 3 days after getting it...
There's a Prep holiday party thing that I think I'll go to. (Why not catch up with people and not be my usual reclusive self for one time out of year?). Then there's the other holiday party thing for Jack and Jill, for which I have yet to get a dress - and I don't have a single dress-like item of clothing in my closet. A few skirts, but nothing that's right for it.
And due to a few scheduling issues I now have an Aspects retreat to go to in about a week and half (aaalllll the way upstate where it's probably as cold as hell is hot), along with about three to five workshops scattered throughout the break that I have to attend in order to do something over the summer. But believe it or not, this is not a complaint. I don't really want to do the Aspects retreat because I hadn't planned on going until January, but at least I'll be occupied.
I guess that means saying goodbye to molding around the house for 2 1/2 weeks. In between all of those things, though, I wanted to see a few movies.
The people who made Narnia have dreams of kicking HP ass, but I'll see about that. King Kong is supposed to be really amazing, and so that sounds good. And
circus_sands went to see Brokeback Mountain this afternoon, and she'll have to tell me how that was. (You'd better be reading this, Tristan). I'm sure it's more than just a movie about gay cowboys who cheat on their wives.
I can't think of any other films out right now...Any suggestions?
But yeah. I'm excited.