Hola!! Después de volver a abandonar esto; vuelvo! He decidido hacer una lista sobre las series/peliculas que más me gustan y mis parejas favoritas!
Esto viene a partir de mi post de gustos en el wonderful graphics, en el que en series puse mis parejas favoritas..
ahí va!
ONE TREE HILL: Jake&Peyton: eran un amor... los echo tanto, pero TANTO de menos! La manera de tratar Jake a Peyton era tan especial. Y aunque ahora la serie sea Leyton, yo siempre seré Jeyton. Por ellos, porque eran, son y serán la mejor pareja de la serie (con Naley, por supuesto.)
- I need you to forget about me, and move on, okay? You're too amazing to carry this around. You're too full of greatness... and I love you too much. (They cling to each other). I have to go.
- No!
- I can't have Jenny be with Nikki.
- Jake. Thank you.
- You know I could've held you in my arms forever? It still wouldn't have been long enough.
Nathan&Haley. por diooos, son el amor de la serie! me encanta. Nathan es genial, y Haley perfecta. Amo tanto a Jamie (LLLLL) y aunque tuvieran sus más y sus menos (Chris Keller muere xDDD), su historia es TAN bonita! Pensar que empezaron a salir para fastidiar a Lucas (Nate)... La serie no valdría nada sin ellos.
- Nathan, it's been said that there is one word that will free us from the weight and pain of life. And, that word is love, and I believe that. It doesn't mean that it hasn't been hard or that it won't be. It just means that I found a stillness and bravery in myself with you. You make me brave and I will love you until the end of time. This I vow today.
- Last year we stood on a beach and I told you how much I loved you and how I would always, always protect you. And, that day nobody believed that this would work. But, I don’t think anybody understood the love that I had for you; because, if they did they would have never doubted us. So I wanted to marry you all over again in front of most of our world. Because today, when I look into your eyes my love for you only grows. It’s even stronger now and that love will never waver. This I vow to you today and always, forever.
Brooke&Julian. Diooooos, es que son taaaan geniales los doos (L) Julian al principio no me caía bien... Eso de intentar joder a Pey... Pero apareció Brooke y voilá!
- If this was a movie, you would kiss me right now.
- No. I'd tell I love you and then I'd kiss you.
I love you.
Chase&Mia. Yo al principio no me esperaba esta relación, pero son muy monos los dos :) Chase me gustaba con Brooke en la 4rta... Eran tan monos!
So can you lift me up, turn the ashes into flames...
Cause I have overcome, more than words will ever say.
And I've been given hope. That there's a light on up the hall.
And that a day will come when the fight is won;
and I think that day has just begun
Dan&Serena. A veces resultan un poco empalagosos... pero es que son tan geniales los dos :)
- I need to know why you love me.
- Because I do.
- I really want to trust you when you say those words, Dan. So maybe if I knew why, I'd stop being so scared of hearing them and afraid to say them.
- Okay. Well, if you want to talk about why...
- It has to do with my mom and her many marriages.
- There. That's why. Because I actually like it when you interrupt me, which is often, by the way. I love you because you make no apologies about being exactly who you are... Beautiful, smart, sexy as hell.
- Now you're embarrassing me.
- That's another reason. You're completely unaware of your affect on me. You're also completely unaware that you laugh like a 4-year-old.
(Serena laughs)
- Just like that. And I love you because you can be with someone like me and still be best friends with someone like Blair.
- Yeah, well, I tried to be.
- I know you do. And that's not easy, but you never give up on her. That is how amazing you are.
- Well, you're amazing too, for being able to say all of those things. You just are. And I love you. But I have to go.
- What? What... what is it this time?
- One of the many reasons you love me
Chuck&Blair. que sería de esta serie sin estos dos? son tan moonos! y en el último cap. Chuck me encantó :)
- I was a coward running away again. But everywhere I went, you caught up with me. So I had to come back.
- I want to believe you, but I can't. You've hurt me too many times.
- Then believe me this time.
- That's it?
- I love you, too. (they kiss)
- Can you say it twice? (laughs) No, I'm serious, say it twice.
- I love you, I love you, I love you. (kissing)
Jenny&Nate. jooo! con lo mona que era esta parejita y la rompen en nada ¬¬' cabrones.. aún así mis esperanzas no se apagan *cara de ilusión con los ojos brillantes*
- That was a bad scene, Jenny.
- No, it wasn't, okay? We were dancing in our underwear, not making a porno.
- Not yet anyway!
- No! Not ever! I would never let myself get into a situation like that, all right? I know what I'm doing, Nate.
- I know you think you do, but that guy was taking advantage of you.
- Okay, you are not my father and you are not my brother, so why do you care so much?
- Because...
(Jenny kisses Nate and turns to leave, totally humiliated. But then Nate grabs Jenny's hand, pulls her back to him, and they kiss again even more fervently than before.)
Adrianna&Navid: Indudablemente los mejores. Son los Naley de esta serie.. Son monisimos... Navid es un caballero, y Adrianna ha hecho lo máximo para dejar las drogas.. Eso es amor!
- You're such a mess, Ade.
- Okay. Thanks for that.
- A recovering addict, you're pregnant and you have what I hope is chocolate smeared all over your face. And you are a total mess. And I couldn't care less. Want to know why? Because I was at the dance tonight and everything was supposed to be perfect, but it wasn't anywhere near perfect.
- Why?
- Because I wasn't with you. So I wanted to ask you something. Will you be my Valentine?
- Yeah. I will
Liam&Naomi: Liam&Naomi: Diooooooos, son un amoor! Él se hacía el durito, pero se descubrió que tiene su corazoncito... Odio a la bitch de la hermana de Naomi!!!! Dioos, es para pegarle unas cuantas ostias!
- What did she mean your stepfather'd be glad you came?... Liam, what did she mean?
- I don't know. My stepdad wants me to get involved with school stuff.
- Is that why you asked me to the prom?
- What does it matter? I'm here.
- You know why it matters? Because I like you, okay? I don't care if it's not cool. I'm tired of pretending. I actually like you, and everyone said that I was a fool; you don't treat me right, and it's true. I mean, all night you haven't wanted to dance or take photos or talk. Still, stupid me just kept defending you. I was like '' Oh my God, he invited me to prom. Oh my God, he cleaned out the trash in his car. Oh my God, he bought me a black orchid corsage''... Why did you get me this corsage?
- I knew I was supposed to.
- But, its a black orchid.
- It's what they had in the store.
- That's not true; you have to special order black orchids. I know because they're my favorite flower. The question is, how did you know they're my favorite? Did you ask someone?
- No, I...
- You looked on my Facebook page, didn't you? You did. You wanted to learn about me so you looked on my Facebook page, and then you looked at my personal interests and in between spicy tuna rolls and the smell of Neiman Marcus, you saw black orchids so you went out and ordered one for me to make me happy. Because... you like me. Admit it, you like me. You like me, don't you?
- Yeah.
Silver&Dixon: Aver, Dixon me encanta... Es uno de mis personajes favoritos, y Silver es una crack... Me encanta la pareja... Son tan monooos (L)
- Are you sure you're ready for this?
- I've never been more ready for anything in my life.
Annie&Ethan: Si, Annie me cae como el culo; pero es que la pareja que hacen es... (L)
- Do you like me?
- What?
- Do you like me?
- Yes but...
Ethan&Silver: Si, sé que arriba puse a sus respectivas parejas... Pero es que también son muy monoos! La carita que pone Ethaan... Ayy (LL)
- Why are you out here, talking to me? Instead of inside, talking to your boyfriend?
Kimberly&Mr.Matthews: Me encantaban... Sencillamente eso. Les dejaron poquito tiempo, pero es que como se trataban y .... (L) *también está el hecho de que Kelly me cae como el culo*
- I hear this is where the party's at.
- That's right, so can sit down and pour yourself a tall glass of "shut up" and "don't speak" for the next hour.
- Does that come in diet? 'Cause I'm kind of watching my figure.
- And that ends the conversation portion of this detention.
SKINS (Serie 1/2 y serie 3)
Cassie&Sid: son LA pareja de la serie... los mejores... Cassie y su lovely son míticos.. y Sid... con esa inocencia me encanta.. Quedan genial los dos juntos! Sid la encontrará? Es algo que nunca sabremos :(
Michelle&Tony: Son un tanto extraños... Pero me gustan.. Michelle con Sid no pinta nada.. Y se demostró que Tony en el fondo tiene su corazoncito :)
Jal&Chris: Aiii! Que pena más grande :( eran geniales! yo al menos no me esperaba esta pareja, y la verdad es que eran geniales...
Maxxie&Anwar: Ayy la amistad! Me gustó mucho el último capítulo de la 2unda... Eso si que es amistad y lo demas son tonterias :)
Emily&Naomi: Aiii, son más monas! Me encantan! Emily con su inocencia y Naomi con sus dudas... Pero se quieren y eso es lo que más importa... Son geniales las dos!
Effy&Freddie: Me gustan tanto los dos... Effy es la bomba y Freddie es monisimo (LLLLL)!
Thomas&Pandora&Cook: Porque creo que con Thomas hace la pareja PERFECTA. Son monisimos los dos... pero con Cook... Cook le da chispa a la chica y quedan raros, lo sé, pero me gustan :)
Logan&Veronica: La serie no vale NADA sin ellos... Son un amor! Son todo. Logan es monisimo; y Vero... que decir de Vero? Probablemente esta sea mi pareja favorita junto con Jeyton. Los amo tanto.. Es que no hay palabras.
spanning years and continents. lives ruined and blood shed. epic!
mañana terminaré de editar!