And with this, July is done. Now I just have 8 entries in August, and with any luck, they'll be short. The original for this blog is
here and you guys know the rules. Enjoy!
Good evening. (´∀`)
It’s really hot, isn’t it? (^_^;)
Because I have to go out after this, I went running in the afternoon, but I was shocked at the amazing amount of sweat I produced.* (>_<)
Although, people sweat a lot during our lives, too, don’t they? ∬゜Д゜∬
Well then, well then, we’ve been rehearsing like mad for the tour.
Back in spring, I changed my sticks, so I’ve also been changing my playing style to match them.
I’m not used to it yet, so I break sticks quite often. (^_^;)
Yesterday, I broke two.
(poor abused sticks)
I’m doing it often, but I’d really like to avoid any sudden breakages during the live itself. (´`)
*If I remember correctly, Yuki usually runs at night, when it’s not so damn hot.