I'm catching up a lot faster than I expected, which is good. Taking a break from here, but I'm gonna try to get some more in tonight. The original for this blog is
here and you guys know the rules. Enjoy!
Fukuoka and Okayama
We’ve returned safely. (・∀・)
Was it always this hot here?
Because I was so hyper and things were so hot in Fukuoka and Okayama, I thought I be able to take it a little easy when we got back, but I was being naïve. ヽ(;´Д`)ノ
Well then, we had our first lives in about a year or so in Fukuoka and Okayama.
Thank you so much to everyone who came to see us!
It must have been hard for you guys, having to line up outside in the heat. (><;)
Everyone at tonight’s venue, please take care not to get things like heatstroke.
The live was indomitably hot and a ton of fun. ☆
At Okayama, I unfortunately didn’t have a drum stand, so I couldn’t see everything, but I could hear a lot of voices, so I was still very happy. (^▽^)
Next time we won’t wait a year before returning.
In Okayama, the day before the live, we saw fireworks, and I was really excited.
(yay fireworks!)
Before rehearsal~
(rock on)