I think this is going to be my last one for the night. Only a few more left before I'm caught up. The original is
here and you guys know the rules. If you don't, then go read my profile. Enjoy!
Rhythm & Drum Magazine
Good morning. (´∀`)
In the new volume of Rhythm & Drum Magazine just announced today will be an analysis of my playing style and an interview with me. ☆
There’s a bunch of photo shots in it that you normally would never see, so it’s really interesting. ( ´艸`)
http://www.rittor-music.co.jp/magazine/dm/ Everyone, please check it out. (≧∇≦)
(drums from the photo shoot)
Anyway, today is the live in Kashiwa. ☆
Unexpectedly, this might be our first one man show in Chiba prefecture. (・o・)
Later then~ (o∇n)