Hi everyone^^
So i decided that from now, i will post some news (about me of course) in french;
it's because my english is NOT very good (but i think you already know that),
because i'm tired of read every post again and again to correct my mistakes,
and because there are things that i just need to write, but i don't necessary want everyone who read my Lj if there are some people who read that to know what i'm talking about. It's just a need to express myself.
That's all. But i'll keep some words in japanese, 'cause it's fun.
I just remember that i didn't write anything about 錦戸亮, who's my 一番, my One-And-Only in Johnnys, in J-pop, in music, in the world...
I think it's sacrilege, a crime...
But it's ok, like it's not like i forgot him, it's just that it was difficult for me to find the right words in english to express my feelings.
So i'm going to write a post about my beloved 亮, but in french (although i don't it'll make any sense either).
So, for those who can't understand french (just a second: are there people who read my Lj????) you're safe.
You've the chance to not see how much i'm tragic, crazy and obsessed.
For those who can understand french ne vous sentez pas obligés de vous arrêter sur ce post.
Laissez moi sauver le peu de respect que vous pouvez avoir pour moi SVP.
That's all, for this post. Thank you^^
Goodnight!!! Bonne nuit!!! おやすみなさい!!!