How are you today??
Moi je m'ennuis. I don't know what to do. Of course i have my job, but sooooo tired...
J'ai décidé de faire le maximu d'heures supplémentaires pour gagner plus d'argent.
I have to fulfill my savings count before Kisumai debut. And i fave to buy another, ou je devrais dire a better laptop. My current laptop tends to fell asleep in middle of a drama... it pisses me off.
So everything must be perfectly ready before Kisumai's debut. Je sais que ça paraît fou, mais j'ai au moins 2 bonnes raisons de leur accorder autant d'importance. First: if i have to rank my 5 fav JE groups
1_ 嵐 (don't really know why, but i'm kind of addict),
2_NEWS (Tegomass brought me into Johnnys, NEWS make me stay),
3_Kis-My-Ft2 (they're like a brand new generation of Johnnys because they're a mix of all the other groups),
3_関ジャニ8 ('cause i need some craziness in my life),
4_Hey! Say! JUMP (can't live without my babies)
5_KAT-TUN (i'm not a BIG fan but, i like them... more than the rest of JE groups)...
It'll depend on how Kisumai will turn in the future, but if they maintain their style, i think that they can compete with NEWS and maybe 嵐 (IN MY RANKING)...
Oh i almost forget the second reason is that they fanilly realise their dream, so i want to see stalk what the future holds form them, parce que les épreuves les plus difficiles commencent maintenant....
Ok i'm tired...
I feel the need to watch a korean drama. But i don't know wich one. And i'm lazy to begin something with 30 episodes...
But i don't feel japanese drama either. And the next episode of バーテンダーis next week...
Sooooooooooooo coooooooooomplecate.