Well, nine solid hours pumpin' Frank Sinatra in the studio where I was modeling wigs didn't kill me. But I wasn't lying when I said my head was shaped like a glans this afternoon:
How could such a great makeup artist have such questionable taste in Sinatra? He defended Frank all day, but look at how he made me look more like a natural redhead by painting faint fake freckles on my nose.
In other news, I completed Phase 1 of the Teach Wczynska American "Slangs" Initiative. I decided to go with with
djmrswhite's suggestion of "gnarly." Its meaning is so broad that it is widely applicable, yet it sounds ridiculous enough to provide a high amusement-value return on my didactic investment. Other slangs lessons may follow, but I will be damned if Wczynska will leave Paris without "gnarly" burned permanently into her cortex.
So I made a strategical error when I went up to Wczynska to introduce "gnarly." "Wczynska" isn't her real name- it's a made-up collection of Polish-ish consonants based on something I saw in a Polish magazine. I wrote down her fake name on a piece of paper and asked her how to pronounce it. She told me ("F-chen-ska"), but, completely reasonably, wondered where I got the name and why I wanted to know. A few minutes later, when I introduced and defined "gnarly" for Wczynska with (I thought) a perfect combination of enthusiasm and nonchalance, she gave me the same suspicious arch of the eyebrows. I wrote it down on a paper for her, right below the word "Wczynska," and she was going,"Gahnurly? Gannerly? Gnarly? OK, Elyse, well, thank you so much." Was I too eager? Too gleeful? I don't know, but I'm positive that Wczynska suspects that I was winding her up. As of today, I understand that Operation Gnarly will never be fully successful unless I begin frequently using the word myself, creating the illusion that "gnarly" is a hip and legitimate bit of American slang. I vow to take whatever steps necessary, no matter how gnarly, and not rest until Wczynska voluntarily says the g-word.
Finally, thank god I restarted the blog. Fellownerds are lamentably few and far between in models' apartments, and if not for cyberspace, it might be months before I met anyone capable of understanding my "hilarious" punchline regarding this box of German licorice: "Oh ja, something got über alles, but I don't think it vas Deutschland!"