What info do you like included in a review. I'm sure everything is appreciated, but are there certain things you especially appreciate? Things that especially inspire you, help you, challenge you etc.
Mine tend to come from my own angst to make peace with something in the series. I want to get into a character's head, or flesh out a scene so I can understand the dynamic. It's like an itch that needs scratching
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I love EF- but if you're new to the whole fanfic thing it can be a little hard to track down. I would never have found it except that bewildered put in a note for Prisoners of Love on AO3 that she was updating at EF before there, so I had to go sign up
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Freecat made a great suggestion in the shout box "Maybe we should create a song list somewhere of songs that remind of Spuffy?". I think that is a fantastic idea
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We talked about the nuances of Spike, so let's focus on Buffy. She's an extremely complex character as well. Maybe a female version of Spike, except with her default being good while his is evil. She straddles both sides
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For readers and writers both...Do you prefer Spike as a dark, rough and tumble, bad ass vamp,, or a sweeter, romantic, gentle character
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Hello everyone. I know that people have been anxiously waiting for updates in regards to Elysian Fields, and I am pleased to inform you that the site will be back. And soon. The reasons behind our disappearance will be shared at a later date, but for now we want to celebrate. And what better way for Elysian Fields to relaunch but with a shiny new
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