Title: Graduation
Characters: Gen. Owen-centric.
Challenge: Created for and posted to
tw100 challenge: Team Pet
Rating: G
Words: 100
Notes: Takes place pre-series 1. Timeline reference in ep 2.12 ("Fragments").
“WHAT is going on?” Owen muttered, creeping toward his desk.
It barely registered that Tosh started talking, something about Jack, last night, and dinosaurs. Owen’s full attention was on the enormous bird perched opposite his desk.
Thus, he started when Suzie dropped her arm across his shoulders.
“Congratulations, newbie. Seems the team has a new pet.”
“What’s it’s name?”
“The dinosaur? Tosh named that thing Myfanwy.”
At that moment, Jack strode through the entrance, followed by a lad in a pinstripe suit... who carried a tray of tea cups.
“THAT, my friend, is the new blood. We call it Ianto.”