Title: Special Relativity Authors: endohmichi Artist: elysiant Fandom/Genre: Futuristic Supernatural AU Pairing(s): Dean/Castiel Rating: M Word Count: ~65k Warnings: Explicit sexual situations
Summary: Dean Winchester is one of the best Time Jumpers the Agency has. When the mysterious, never seen Director sends him to 2008 with only a name and a death date, Dean has one month to find his target and complete this solo mission. Finding the target was easy enough, Castiel Angelus ran right into him. Now if he could just keep Castiel alive until the death date without damaging the time line, Dean will complete this mission.
Artist Comments: And finally, art for the 2nd fic I signed up for! I am so relieved to have finished, haha (though I cut it pretty close.) Once again, is my first DCBB! The summary for this one really grabbed my attention! What's not to like about time travel and secret agents? Had quite a few ideas for this one - enjoy! (Click to enlarge; Credits at the bottom)
(snippets of a few moments inside the fic!)
Pretty simple, but this is how I see the Agency building!