Who: Cain and Belphegor (open)
Where: The Park
When: Evening of the 5th
What: Earl Cain goes for a stroll and meets the Prince
Warnings: Craziness
It was completely and utterly deplorable the living conditions the meager and wholly confusing credit system, everything was an insult. Cain could take a lot but such squalor was disgusting. He had never even seen servant quarters in such a despicable and deteriorating quarters. At least his roommate was a reasonable enough chap, Cain was still debating if being brought back to life was a pleasant experience considering the conditions his new life seemed to contain. To cool himself he had decided to go for a stroll, the park was certainly lovely and he, in proper Englishman evening attire, continued to walk around gazing at the slowly setting sun.
He adjusted his top-hat, happy despite the lack of Riff that the rest of the problems of his old life existed here. He supposed for that alone he would... tolerate the squalor he was forced into. Now all he had to do was restart his... hobby, though he knew not all of them would be available to him again, after all a ship lacking in weaponry didn't exactly allow a poison such as arsenic or monkshood. He would have to get a new cane as well, a gentleman was simply not without a cane or top-hat.