Who: Misa and Ritsuka (open to Light)
Where: Misa and Light's room
When: Tonight
What: Misa having seen the kitten's call of distress costume-wise decided to help.
Warnings: Pure crack
Ritsuka looked down at his PDA and re-read the message that Misa had sent him. She had read that he didn't know what to do for a costume and it was mandatory (plus Ritsuka really wanted to go) so Misa had said she made him one. He knocked on the door, not sure if it would be Misa-san or Yagami-san who would answer the door.
He wondered what Misa-san had made, he had gone and bought Misa (and Light) a small sample of many teas and for Misa just some sweets. He didn't know how else to thank the older woman for making him a costume since she didn't have too. Ritsuka rocked back on his heels, his ears perking up as he listened for sound. The little kitten always enjoyed seeing Misa and Light after all.