A Brand New Day

Aug 25, 2004 21:52

Location:Racine, Wi
What's your personailty like?Im outgoing, I like trying new things, I guess im funny too.
Interesting fact about yourself: Um..Im double jointed in my arms and i can turn them all the way around..it grosses people out a bit =D

Favorites [8 at most]
Favorite Bands: Blink 182, Death Cab for Cutie, Brand New, Bright Eyes..etc..
Favorite Songs:There Is [x] BCR, What Went Wrong [x] Blink 182
Favorite Movies:The Notebook, The butterfly effect
Favorite Store:American Eagle

Your thought on
The government: There okay. I hate how they hide stuff tho. Theres so many things that they have found, theat they dont share with us. They have many secrets.
Abortion:I think that people shouldnt spend so much time on kids who arnt born when they can spend time on kids who are born...but have nothing.
Suicide: Sometimes life gets so hard, so you think that this is the only way out. You feel unloved, unwanted. Nothing seems right..but people dont see that this is the way to take. So many people do love these people. I just wish people who are thinking about it would get help. Save themselves.
Gay Marriages: There people too. They have the right too marry whoever they want.

Why do you think you should be accepted:Im friendly, and I will promote and I believe that I can add alot to this journal.
Promote us to another journal/community and proof: http://www.livejournal.com/users/afataldream/45372.html?view=71228#t71228
Anything else you'd like to say? Not that I can think of.

Post your Pictures [5 at most]

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