quizy results

Sep 04, 2005 18:43

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1) Is wrathofgoat a nerd? hell yeah!
2) Would stalefruitloops go out with dopster03? no
3) Is dopster03 your best friend? yes
4) Is stalefruitloops popular? oh yeah
5) Have you flirted with dopster03? i refuse to answer as she is my "sister"
6) One thing you can't stand about dopster03? her need to be right/bossyness
7) What do you disagree with wrathofgoat about? not much... sports(mets fan)
8) What languages does stalefruitloops speak? french, english, german(?), emo scream
9) Does wrathofgoat have a big secret? probably, but he hasn't told
10) Does wrathofgoat have a dog? i think he does
11) Does dopster03 go to your school? she did
12) What planet should stalefruitloops be from? he's from earth b/c he's so far out he couldn't be from anywere elce
13) What mental disorder does wrathofgoat remind you of? skitzo
14) What is stalefruitloops's biggest flaw? short temper
15) What would you do if wrathofgoat died? spend ALOT of time comforting Robyn, prob. cry alot too
16) dopster03's hair color? multi till last month
17) Did dopster03 break up with you? nope,... she'd never date my ugly ass!
18) Are stalefruitloops and dopster03 going out? no.. NO WAY IN HELL!!! AHHH!!!! lol
19) What is dopster03's favorite color? green, i think
20) Is dopster03 a high school student? yes
21) Is dopster03 dead sexy? um...uhhaaaa... yeah, yeah she is
22) Would you set up stalefruitloops and dopster03? no... they'd kill each other first (or me)
23) Does dopster03 do drugs? no!
24) How would dopster03 kill wrathofgoat? um... broken heart?.. heart attack durring sex? (lol)
25) What is wrathofgoat's favorite game? Final Fantasy VII or MGS
26) Does wrathofgoat drink? Whell, He IS in college...
27) Is dopster03 related to wrathofgoat? sort of, i guess...
28) Is wrathofgoat single? no, he's all mine!.. yeah, poor kenny is chick-less
29) Would you make out with dopster03? AHHH! Gross! Tha's my sister, man! No Way!
30) Would stalefruitloops and dopster03 look good together? hahaha, no! no way!
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