o1. First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Dry
o2. Last words you said: "dude! i just drank pee jasen WHAT THE FUCK"
o3. Last song you sang: whatever song is on altons profile
o4. Last person you hugged: my grandpa docanto i think? or my nephew
o5. Last thing you laughed at: angelique being lame/retarded/bored as fuck
o6. Last time you said "I dont remember":5 minutes ago
o7. Last time you cried: this morning
o9. What color socks are you wearing: i didnt pack socks so none
1o. What's under your bed: uhm. a craft box, and a bunch of shoe boxes full of random shit, and a aluminum baseball bat
11. What time did you wake up today? 4am if u cant me waking up at altons, but at home, 7am
12. Current taste: icky. i drank warm apple juice
13. Current hair: pony tail and my bangs aren't emo today.
14. Current love: John A.(alton) Todd
15. Current annoyance: my nephew trying to make me kill vampires, and not being able to see lique
16. Current longing: wtf?
17. Current desktop background: a dog in a sepia tone
18. Current worry: if my tampon is going to leak...
19. Current hate: my mom
2o. Current favorite article of clothing: Alton's Volcom shorts he let me take on my trip
21. Favorite physical feature of the preferred sex: guys' backs for some reason.
22. Last CD that you listened to: ICP
23. Favorite place to be: new york giant pizza next to parkway market
24. Least favorite place: home
25. Time you wake up in the morning: 11am at earliest.
26. If you could play pink and pink: wtf?
28. Do you believe in an afterlife: yayuh
29. How tall are you? 5'11''
3o. Current favorite word/saying: DUDE
31. Favorite book: watch them die by kevin o brian
32. Favorite season: fall/winter
33. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: angeliques brother
34. One person from your past that you wish to never see again: my sisters dad
35. Do you go to a college or a university: no
36. What is your career going to be like: fun
37. How many kids do you want? 1!
38. had a pet that you killed: yes
39. Said "I love you" and meant it: Yes
4o. Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish, etc: No
41. Been to New York: no
42. Been to Florida: no
43. Been to California: yes
44. Been to Hawaii: no
45. Been to Mexico:yes
46. Been to China: no
47. Have you ever met anyone off the net?: yes
48. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day?: a couple days later or so.
49. Had sex with a friend?: lol yes
5o. Had sex with an ex's friend: yes
51. Went out with someone and regretted it?: plenty of times
52. Do you have a crush on someone: nope
53. What book are you reading now?: none
54. Worst feeling in the world: being on your period. haha
55. What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning?: i hope my parents dont know i snuck out
56. How many rings before you answer: 2 unless the phone is next to me
57. Future daughter's name: WEDNESDAY or w/e i want when i have a kid.
58. Future son's name: leeroy..no. never. idont know. joseph? or ben.
59. What do you sleep with: a blanket
6o. Favorite TV show: Laguna beach
61. Wish were here: my step sister lique &
62. Tattoos: none
63. Piercings: my ears
64. Do you do drugs: uhmmm
65. Do you drink: no
66. What toothpaste do you use: colgate?
67. What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use: pantene pro V w/ amino proteins?
68. What are you most scared of: heights/blood/guns/needles/dark
69. What clothes do you sleep in: thong
7o. Who is the last person that called you: alton
71. Where do you want to get married: never thought about it
72. If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: my hair, face, and body
73. Who do you really hate: Max, Lexi, and krystal
74. Been In Love: ya
75. Are you timely or always late: idk
76. Do you have a job: nope
77. Do you like being around people: sometimes
78. Best feeling in the world: when you are in the pool and its cold then u pee in a toilet and its warm?
79. Do you have any stuffed animals: yes
8o. Are you a health freak: sometimes
81. Do you have a "Type" of person you always go after: i have a type that i want, but i never seem to have that person.
82. Do you want someone you don't have?: i guess?
83. Are you lonely right now: yea cuz im in palmdale
84. Ever afraid you'll never get married: no, i have a back up plan!
85. Do you want to get married: i guess?
86. Do you want kids?: if it happens, it happens
87. Cried: yes
88. Bought Something: yes
89. Gotten Sick: no
9o. Sang: yes
91. Said I Love You: yes
92. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them: yes
93 Met Someone: yes
94. Moved On: no
95. Talked To Someone: yes
96. Had A Serious Talk: yyessss
97. Missed Someone: yesssssssssssssssss
98. Hugged Someone: yes
99. Yelled at Someone: yes
100. Kissed someone: yes