I just want to share this really, quickly, and disappear to win that challenge my mom appointed to me.
Since Ramadan is starting tomorrow, I left a text post on my tumblr explaining that I probably won't be around much,
and in the tiny little tag area I simply wrote 'I am excited for this Ramadan tbh'
Of course, I did not except anyone to actually pick that out or even bother to read it.
But here, it was an anonymous message in my ask box that made me feel unexplainably happy, It just felt nice someone
was interested to actually understand what was the reason I wrote that. And it turn, it just made me set a resolution for my Ramadan.
So here it goes:
Don’t worry, I don’t find it stupid at all!
I am assuming that all you know about Ramadan is the fact that Muslims fast from dawn to dusk, refraining completely from eating and drinking. And, well, that probably doesn’t sound that exciting at all.
But in fact, that’s only the physical aspect of Ramadan. To me, Ramadan is an aesthetically extended period of leisure and recreation, the whole ambience is entirely different throughout the month. People become more conscious of their actions; by fasting during the day (especially now that they’re long days in the summer) they become more considerate of the feelings of others and how they should be treating them, they try to become the best they are as humans and rethink how they should be using their time to the good, for themselves and others. What is more beautiful than seeing people actually trying to become the best they can when all you see everyday people being spiteful and mean to one another?
Hunger is nothing I worry about, I am busy trying to do the best I can taken the opportunity. Hunger makes me think of the less fortunate and actually do something about it. Hunger just makes me want to cook a bunch of stuff or read a good book.
Of course, I enjoy the cultural aspect as well, the food, the closeness of family, the rather ridiculous new shows on television, the food because I needed to stress that again, and the get togethers with friends over something actually worthwhile.
So to answer your question, when I say I am excited for Ramadan, I mean I am excited to be the best I can be this month, and carry on from there. I hope to be the closest to God to feel less lost and abandoned like the most of my days all year round, to me it’s a chance, an easy one, to be a better person. And I am just so ready to work on my self and experience it the way I hope to.