A bit of a photographic update from me this week. A vast amount of photos from my skydive to start...
So, away we go. We took off carrying myself and my tandem man, Simon, And Steph with her tandem fella and also Kyly's Mam, Caroline, with her tandem fella. Oh, and a pilot.
Nnnnnyyyyyyyeeeeeeeooooooooow!!!!! Said the plane. Aptly named 'G Leap'.
And then we jumped. No photos of us freefalling, but as you can see above, the blue parachute is Steph and the tiny dot behind them is me, praying for my parachute to follow suit and bloody open.
Huzzah! It did!
And then I flew! You can see my hand where he let me steer it! Haha.
It felt like we were up there an age. Our figures look black but I promise! I was smiling. :P
There we are, coming in to land. The wind blowing up the legs of my jumpsuit.
Getting my legs oop for the ol' landing thing we had to do.
Done! Right on my arse, which got considerably soaked.
Wooooah. Hang on.
Definitely done! Safe and grounded and unbelievably relieved!
Caroline, Steph and Me. Job done.
Hahaa. I would recommend doing a skydive to almost anyone.