Health Update - Sick

Jan 20, 2010 14:06

Hullo folks,

So I don't remember who I've told and who I haven't. I've been fighting what I initially thought was allergies from all the dust we kicked up cleaning up my house, and then finally realized was a cold. Well I thought I was getting better, and then over the weekend I got noticeably worse. By Monday evening (a 3 day weekend should have helped more, dangit) I was taking spontaneous 20 minute naps whenever I held still too long, or did something strenuous like walk across the house. Even though it involves sitting still, I couldn't just drive straight home from House K. I had to stop halfway and rest. I still enjoyed the company of a couple of mellow, brave friends, but that also involved a lot of holding still, so it was actually restorative.

Tuesday I missed my first class because my throat was so sore, I just went back to sleep to try and sleep it off (not that this works, but at least sleeping gets me more energy to tolerate it once I wake up).

I didn't want to let Prof. Zen down though. I'm helping her out with this quarter's Mysticism in Catholicism course, and I really like and admire her, and I want to do a good job. So I got my ass out of bed and headed over to school. Well she heard my voice and saw my posture and sent me back home. So I left a note for Prof. Mandala letting him know I'd be missing class for the evening.

Then I went to the doctor. I'd already decided I would this week, but my Prof. Zen's reaction to my prompted me to realize that I was worse off than I could tell. I explained my symptoms, and that I've been around, though not physically in contact with two different people who both went through (in one case is still going through :( ) similar symptoms, and therefore I suspected a bacterial sinus infection, but wanted to rule out strep because of my throat hurting so much for several days. He looked at my tonsils, described one of them as being swollen and covered with spots (which happens when you have a bad infection of one of several kinds), and decided to rule out Mono as well.


Well the good news is, it's neither strep nor mono. I'm still nearly immune to strep, and mono is still hard to catch without swapping fluids with somebody else who has it (and yet I caught it before without doing so...), so I'm not surprised, but I'm still glad to hear it.

I'm now on antibiotics and a nasal spray in addition to the decongestant and NSAIDs I was already taking. Gotta love modern chemistry, eh?

I specifically asked how catching I am, and he seemed pretty nonchalant. "Don't visit people in the hospital, don't hold newborn babies, wash your hands, cover your coughs and sneezes, and you should be fine. Oh, and stay home from school for a few days. I'll give you a note to return on Monday. Come in again if you're not improving by Saturday, or immediately if you get worse."

Of course I've been specifically avoiding both my friend in the hospital and my newborn nephew already anyway. *sigh* I also sneeze or cough only rarely with this. It's primarily a sinus congestion thing, which prompts a sore throat when it drains down the back. Ew, sorry, didn't mean to overshare there...

So yeah, I'm home from school for the week, and minimizing everything else to the necessary, staying home as much as I can to save energy for those things which really must be done. My main problem is that when I'm not exhausted, if I'm still too brainless to work on homework, I'm still brainless enough to be bored silly. Oh poor, poor me. ;p

I've already emailed my remaining professors (Tethics & Spanish) to let them know what's up and that I have a doctor's note. I need to not fall behind in my work. Overall it's only Spanish that scares me.

Aaand now I'm tired, so I'm going to stare at the wall for a while. Thanks folks.

Be Well,

health, school

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