Dear Powers That Be,
Eleusinian Mysteries? Really?
I need another pantheon like I need another hole in my head.
For Posterity:
Very muddled, involving a bestest-best friend who was being set up to marry some guy she didn't know and wanted to try and run away or at least have an adventure before she became some stranger's wife. We hid a lot and climbed on things a lot. It was kind of fun, and kind of scary.
Also involving Eleusinian Mysteries, and being sent through the Maiden's Mysteries one year, and then coming back around another year (immediately) and there was a group of younger girls and nobody to go through the Mother's Mysteries, but I don't have a child yet, so they weren't sure if they should send me through them or not. I wanted to, and they debated over whether my having gone through the maidens mysteries and my clearly not being a virgin anymore meant I was eligible already and did the ritual really need somebody to go through them, even if it wasn't ideal. They finally agreed that yes, it's best to send me through, since nobody else was remotely appropriate and somebody had to, and then something came up to prevent it.
A whole lot about a set of bread rolls that would absolutely guarantee my getting pregnant, and looked soooo yummy, which is why I was in tears as I cleared off a shelf to put them all away where I couldn't get them, because no, damnit, now is not yet the time.
Being at some sort of convention place like I sometimes am, and advising somebody about the Chainmaille market, and then somebody else, and then having two or three different people insisting on hugging me repeatedly, and introducing me around, when all I wanted was to find my way back to the Mysteries so I could finish what I'd started.
Waking up and being very annoyed with my biological clock for ticking so loud today. Gosh, I guess it's Spring? Couldn't I have eggs and bunnies? Do I have to have wheat and pomegranates this year?
Gotta run or I'll be late for class now.