Dream: Sarees at the Botanica

May 10, 2010 23:09

This morning's dream wanders as usual, of course. There were bits about designing mobiles and vines on the walls, wandering around a sort of old-town area somewhere in the extended dream-bay-area (as I do). I could probably place it relative to the horrible dream freeway networks that get me so lost at times, but what's the point? In any case, I was South East, outside my briar patch. I won't bother trying to mark most of it at this point.

I was in a botanica with a few friends, possibly medancer, perlandria, pearlshadow, and bellacrow, and maybe dkferret, but I'm only tracking that by feeling after-the-fact. In memory I picture Medancer's smile, and Pearlshadow walking out the door, and feel the talkative enthusiasm of BellaCrow.

It doesn't really matter who was with me, though, since they'd all moved on to another store. I lingered, though, as something caught my eye, and so they were gone and I was still there when the girl walked in dressed all in a golden saree trimmed with peacock blue. She had the slightly dazed look of one who has become fully possessed only recently. She was accompanied by an older woman who wore a headcovering and wrangled her sternly but politely as a governess might wrangle a princess. Clearly a Mai de Santo and her newest Oshun initiate!

They had come because Oshun had declared that this botanica had just the garment to go with the beautiful saree. I watched them enter and walk towards the back of the botanica-which-is-a-saree-shop, and realized immediately that the garment they were seeking was the beaded silk scarf I was wearing. It was mostly peacock blue with a similar dye pattern that complimented her saree perfectly. The shopkeeper gestured, embarassed, that she no longer had the garment to sell.

I immediately offered it to them for her to try on, explaining that I would be happy to choose another garment instead for the same money, or get something nicer and pay the difference. I was sincere - the garment was beautiful to me, but I had mostly purchased it because it was lovely and I wanted a souvenier of my trip, not because it called to me personally. The Oshun girl was so stunning I couldn't help but be delighted just to be a part of making her even more stunning. But she balked at my offer. I couldn't tell if she was refusing to take what was mine out of good manners or if she was refusing to accept a previously-owned garment, even if I'd only owned it for a few minutes before she walked in. Regardless, her wrangler accepted my offer and prodded her into trying it on while I began to look around for alternatives.

No sooner had I looked away than I spotted a saree that hadn't been there before. It was the same peacock blue, but shifted to chocolate brown instead of white or gold. My family colors, in particular my sister divasm's wedding colors. Perfect!

I kept trying to buy the thing, but would wake up for various reasons. Still, every time I went back to sleep, I returned to the saree shop to try and buy the beautiful peacock-blue and chocolate-brown saree. Finally I woke up once and for all, with the screaming thought that I should report my dream to Perlandria immediately.

I'm not entirely sure. I do still have custody of the golden and white saree from the House that Mama Pearlshadow gave me, to have cleaned, to study with, and possibly to keep depending on how things work out. It's definitely not the same saree as any of the ones in the dream, though. I'm nowhere near done with that work, and still haven't found out how to clean the thing properly. I got the distinct impression that Perlandria needs to borrow the saree herself for a while, for her Oxun studies this month.

I did get to tell Perlandria about the dream, and I asked her for help figuring out how to clean the saree, and offered for her to borrow it for the month if she likes. She mentioned that she was recently reminded of the blue saree she had originally acquired when she was engaged to Paka, The colors were chosen to honor Yemaya. Now she needs to figure out what to do with it. The rest is hers to tell, of course...


umbanda, dream

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