Jen gathered 10 questions for me:
Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
I know where I *want* to be - raising kids who by my desired timeline would be teenagers by then, I hope. However, I don't really see any details about my life beyond about 10 or so years from now, and I'm still not sure how I'm getting there from where I currently am.
How do you feel about change?
About how most people feel - anxious. I mean, in theory change is great, and we need lots of it. In practice I'm human, I'm a creature of habit, and I'm most comfortable when I don't have to re-evaluate my habits too often, eh?
I nevertheless strive for change because I haven't felt like I'm in a good resting place for years now. I have been reminded rather pointedly, if gently, that there is no rule that says only fast, hard change is "real". Slow, smooth change is still change. I suppose I keep thinking that if I can't tell the difference in the "before" and "after" pictures taken immediately, then it may not be enough.
What easy contribution to your health can you make right now?
Easy? Hmm, that depends on what we consider "easy". The two that come to mind are A) Take more walks and B) Give up soda. However, neither of these things seem to be all that easy in practice, or I'd already be doing them, eh?
The single biggest thing I need to do for the sake of my health right now is get off my ass and have my proper consultation with my nutritionist friend who is going to help me figure out in what ways my current habits are self-medication, and how to better self-medicate in those areas while still improving my health overall.
What practical skill would you most like to learn?
That's easy - Cooking! But I'm still pretty scared of the whole deal. So my current plan is to go back and take some community college cooking classes when I've finished my BA.
What do you not care about?
A strange question... Everything I can think of that I "don't care about" is either specifically within a larger context of what I DO care about, or else is something that I actually DO care about, but feel I shouldn't, or can't afford to, and have thus shoved myself into a kind of willful apathy.
Like I do care what people think of me, just not always enough to change what I'm doing to improve their opinions, or in the context of protecting people from harm, I don't care about protecting the more privileged from being offended or other emotional upheaval associated with no longer harming others.
I am not used to thinking very much about things I don't care about - if I don't care, why am I thinking about it? And as I've recently explained to my Dad, as far as I'm concerned, spending time training myself to care less is exactly the opposite of my spiritual purpose.
What's your best feature?
You mean physically? My hair, I'm sure. It's thick, both collectively, and the individual hairs. It's a lovely shade of tarnished copper that glows bright copper when I'm in the sun. It's down past my waist, and when it's damp, it curls nicely. I look amazing in the fog.
Psychologically/Spiritually, I'd guess it's my intellect, in that I'm very good at model-building and pattern-matching, and these traits make me very good at problem-solving.
When were you most scared?
In recent memory? Probably when swinging uncontrollably back and forth across more than 5 freeway lanes after swerving to avoid a rabbit in the rain. Thank gods I never actually hit anything! That was so traumatic I had to force myself to get back into driving out of sheer stubbornness and I still panicked each time I encountered an additional familiar factor. Driving. Driving alone. Driving after dark. Driving alone after dark. Driving in the rain. Driving alone in the rain. Driving in the rain after dark. Driving alone in the rain after dark OMG!
Ironically, having other people in the car helped a great deal, despite the fact that the original incident occurred while
onyxdubh was in the car with me. Huh.
What are you going to name your kids?
No idea. I thought about naming a daughter after my sister, but she was sufficiently horrified at the thought that I guess I won't do that. I think I'm waiting until the question is more practically pertinent.
I know I won't name them directly after gods, and that I will be sure that I like the meaning of the names, not just the sound and spelling.
Which faraway place would you like to visit, if you had to choose one?
Yeah, just one? Crap... Um. I keep fantasizing about taking a cruise around the Mediterranean. Is that singular enough?
What is your favourite plant?
Redwood comes immediately to mind, but then I think, it depends on what category of plant? My favorite tree is definitely redwood. My favorite herb is definitely basil. My favorite flowers are sunset roses, though I have a lot of close runners up, so I might answer CA poppies, or Calla lilies tomorrow...