The best hero ever here.

Sep 14, 2010 16:52

First of all, your three votes:
x x x

[ b a s i c s ]
Name/Alias: Nicholas/Moogles4ever
Age: 15
Gender: Male

Which gender do you want to be stamped as?: Male
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were stamped as: Nope, first time trying a stamp thing.

[ i n - d e p t h ]
Likes: Being with friends, writing, calming down and relaxing near the computer. History, RPGS. Sleeping is always nice~ Just teenager stuff.
Dislikes: People who are intolerant, people who need to require some sort of "fact" for anything I say. People who cause unecessary fights, people who are just plain creepy. Hippocrites, large amounts of work. People repeating themselve, people who just don't get it.
Fears: Losing a friend. Being completely alone. People close dying to me, the fear of everyone knowing my deepest secrets.
Pet Peeves: Actually, to be honest I hate it when people did what you did with the "hero" line here. Just because they read the rules and "proved" it with that line doesn't mean they'll actually follow them.
Goals in life: To become a teacher that students will enjoy coming to class with. To make a certain someone close to me proud. Get a higher education.

Describe your personality: ... ok. Since I mindblanked so hard at this, I thought I would get some of my closet friends to do this for me. I mean, best to hear diffrent perspectives, right?

"you're an awesome guy. 8D you... always surprise me when you come out and say things that make it seem like my crass parts of my own personality kinda rubbed off on you. but that's kind of neat lmao that we've known eachother for months and you can still surprise me in ways that make me lol loudly. you pay attention to little details that other people always don't catch. andddd. you're a bit of a quiet kinda person but that's fine because in a way you don't seem to say much more than what needs to be said. and. you have a patience for idiotic questions."

"Daaaamn who described you just then? because damn they're good. I'd agree with those points. Just add the fact that you're a good judge of character."

"Like an egg. Your shell is very hard, but can also be very easily broken. And you're soft inside."

Five positive traits about you:Loyal, perceptive, nice, trusting, witty.
Five negative traits about you: Unorganized, lazy, procrastinating. unmotivated, keep things bottled
Favourite quote/your motto: Quote: "Nothing shall I, while sane, compare with a friend." - Homer. (As soon as I saw it, it instantly became my favorite. I mean, everyone is always envious of something that a friend has. Why should we, these are the people we like to be with, remember? We shouldn't have to feel bad or jealous when with them.)

[ c h o i c e s ]
Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?: Mature. I believe that despite my age, I've had to go through a ton of trials that many people haven't already gone through. (Which I would not like to delve further into, sorry.) So, I like to think that the experiences I've had, tend to give myself more of a mature personality. Yeah, for sure.
Leader or Follower?: Follower. I can easily be swayed of other's opinions, unless it's something that really goes against my beliefs.
Outgoing or Shy?: Shy. Well, shy when meeting people. Once I know people more, I open up a lot, let me tell you.
Confident or Modest?: I'm modest with most of the stuff I do, people tell me to be more confident at times, but meh.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Optimistic Realist?: I tend to look on the more bright side of things. Hell, I said everything was going to be fine one time, even though I knew the end was near. ALmost like clinging to the small strings that could make everything better, I only give up until I know it's completely gone.
Energetic or calm?: Calm, I'm not someone to bounce around. I just like to take a deep breath and do things at my own pace. Unless I'm frustrated, then screw being calm xP
Listener or Speaker?: Listener. Although I can talk a lot, I'm more of a person that likes to sit down and listen to people, letting them do what needs to be done. Not to say I won't help or anything.
Impulsive or Cautious?: I act a lot on my emotions, so I'm more impulsive.
Playful or Serious?: Serious face here B|, yeah. I'm only playful when there isn't a reason to be serious, I suppose.

[ r e a l m ]
Do you prefer attacking at close-range, long-range or not at all?: Short range keeps you nice and personal with things.
Are you most likely to work alone or in a group?: I'd probably feel a lot safer in a group, although I would probably be one of the more independant members there.
In the battlefield where can someone find you?(healing, attacking, supporting, etc): Supporting an ally or attacking the enemy.
Most important of all, what is the reason for you to fight?: Obviously, I must believe in the cause of the fight with a passion. If it 's for freedom, I'll stand by that belief completely. It'll make myself stronger as a person, in the end.

Anything else you'd like to add?:

It's so damn hard to describe yourself. I mean, we all know who we are, but it's hard to explain.

Look, I'd have that third vote, but I need to head out here. When I see a form that needs a vote, I'll vote. Ok? This community looks like a hell load of fun.

!needs votes

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