I want to be your hero~

Jan 26, 2009 23:47

Name/Nickname: Kitty
Age: 18 (19 in less than a month!)
Gender: Female
Do you have a preference on the gender(stamp wise)?: Nope. Not particularly.

Likes: uhh cute things, having fun, good food, the internet, being silly, KY~ (illegalism), drawing, reading, SLEEP 8), being a dork, Jimmy Buffett music, music in general, DnD, playing games, RP, college (shut up.)
Dislikes: THESE SORTS OF QUESTIONS geez you want me to name everything I like and dislike? small-minded people, being made fun of (poked fun at is okay), people who think all fat people are stupid and have poor self-control, crying babies, homework, forgetting to do my homework, waiting an insanely long time for something that takes less than a minute
Pet Peeves/Fears: These are two completely different things, you know. Pet peeves: people who take little kids into PG-13 and R movies and then just SIT THERE and LET THEM CRY while you're trying to watch it, people who pull in front of you IN THE FAST LANE while you're going 5 over the speed limit and then proceed to go EXACTLY THE SPEED LIMIT, and the free user wait times you have to deal with when you're downloading stuff from RapidShare. Fears: being left alone, being forgotten
Hobbies/Talents drawing, writing, RP (a talent too, I've been told I'm good ^^), er... damn. I don't have many talents. D:

Strong points: I'm resilient, can take a beating (physically and emotionally) and bounce back fairly quickly. I'm loyal as they come and I'd die for those I'm close to. In fact, I'll do anything for someone I'm close to. Er... not too many strong points, sorry. ^^;
Weak points: I'm immature, pigheaded, irresponsible, and easily distracted. I can be moody as hell and a single thing can send my mood into a ditch for a while until I drag myself out of it. I tend to overreact-- really overreact-- and blow things out of proportion. I also have terrible people skills. And I'm scatterbrained. Really. Seriously scatterbrained...

::This or that::
Mature or Immature?: errr intellectually mature. Emotionally and socially immature.
Leader or Follower?: Lazy-ass leader. I want to lead. I really do. But if someone else wants to, too, I'm not going to fight them for the position-- they probably want it more than me.
Outgoing or Shy?: Depends on what mood you catch me in. Generally pretty outgoing, but this doesn't mean I'm eloquent :/
Confident or Modest?: ...er. I have no idea. I also have no self-confidence. These aren't really antonyms, y'know. I have no self-confidence, but I'm not a braggart either.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: Add idealist in there. I'm a pessimistic idealist. I really, really want to be able to do great things, but I'm pretty sure I never will.
Low, medium, or high energy level?: errr it averages out to medium. I can be rock-bottom low one second and then high-strung the next.
Listener or Speaker?: listener. usually.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Impulsive. Stupidly impulsive sometimes. But I AM getting better about it !!
Playful or Serious?: Pretty playful ^^ But I can be serious when I need to.

::Fire Emblem Realm::
Do you prefer attacking at close-range, long-range or not at all?: Close-range :)
Are you most likely to work alone or in a group?: Er... probably alone. Maybe with one other person. ...I take that back, probably with just one other person.
In the battlefield where can someone find you?(healing, attacking, supporting, etc?): Kicking ass.
Most important of all, what is the reason for you to fight?: ...because... I want to?

Goals in life: Find a purpose, and fulfill it to the best of my abilities. And enjoy as much as I can ^^
Favorite quote & why: tough choice there! "Somewhere there's someone who dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile. So when you are lonely, remember it's true. Somebody, somewhere, is thinking of you!" as well as "I've had good days, and bad days, and going-half-mad days" from Jimmy Buffett's "If the Phone Doesn't Ring, it's Me"

Anything else you'd like to add?: I really, really like FE7. I've played 7 and 8 and I'm getting close to finishing 9, and I own 10. However, I am incredibly biased against the Tellius crew because they've taken all the attention away from the Elibe crew. Also, I started the Fire Emblem Kink Meme.

Please link the links to the three members you voted on:
1. parawar
2. only one was available!
3. sorry! does this affect my stamping :(

stamped: sain

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