First of all, your votes...
x Name: Diana
Age: 20
Stamped as: Titania/Soren(regular); Zihark(matchmake); Myrmidon(class); Hawk(laguz)
[All about you...]
Describe your personality:I'm not really that easy to describe i think..*laughs* i'll try.. I'm a person that at times doesn't seem to have just one personality (aka i'm a two sided person). People usually see me quite bubbly and cheery and i try to behave like that because people get sick of emo-ing quite fast ne ? *laughs* Deep down i am a quiet person that likes to snuggle and huggle others, i'm quite a lonely person which is probably the thing that is closer to my weakness, my horrid fear of ending up alone, without anyone i love near etooo, i'm overprotective and lhy per example describes me as kickass person, i stand up for others more quickly than i stand up for myself, i'm the kind of person that would toss a chair or a table if someone bothered my friends (lhy experienced it XD long time ago) but if it's about me, i kinda just suck it up meh i dunno...I'm girly and friendly but on the other hand i am quite a pissy person, if someone makes me mad, they will know it because my personality totally flips, oh i use and abuse of sarcasm and i might say i am quite bossy and honest, whether people like it or not i'll say it xD
What do you value the most? What i value in people the most is honesty, that and the ability of sticking with those that they care about without forgetting their own values
Goals in life: I've been over this quite a load lately since i had to work last month in a kindergarden, what i trully have as a goal in my life is growing to be someone independent, someone that will stand for herself, my ultimate goal? Being a mother, the rest i'll just improvise *laughs*
Your motto:
[Are you...]
Mature or Immature? Urrr...In some aspects i am quite mature, such as in responsibility and mind, but at times my actions are a bit immature but hey who doesn't have the immaturity moments?
Leader or Follower? Well, i think i'll answer this for the rest of my life XD neither. I do not like to be a leader, there are too many butt-kissers and at times responsibility falls kind of too hard on our shoulders and i hate that, follower, again i HATE to feel lower to someone else
Outgoing or Shy? That depends, most of the time? I'm a mix, i can say i am a bit more anti social that i am shy, with my friends i can say i am outgoing with a bitsie of reservations but other than that i'm a plain wallpaper *laughs*
Confident or Modest? Modest, hell yeah \o
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist? Realistic/Pessimistic. I don't like feeding myself with hopes because they'll most likely get crushed in the end º3º
Impulsive or Cautious? Cautious i think~ At least i've proved to be over cautious xD
Playful or Serious? Overall? Serious, i mean i goof around a load but i kind of like to remain at a certain level of seriousness
[Pushing your buttons...]
What makes you angry? Above everything, what makes me angry the most is people without a sense of respect, per example if a person is feeling down, to crush that person with rude comments, knowing that the person won't simply answer back...Etooo backstabbing i think, if there's one thing that is more horrible than badmouthing is having someone backstabbing you. Bullying, i think it's horrible and i'd love to smack the idiots that do it
What do you dislike the most about people? The fact that most of them are liars, if something bad happens between another person and himself/herself they'll probably twist that person's words *sweatdrop* I just dislike fake people
What do you think about: a) Bullying; b) Disrespect? Would you do something about it, if you saw it happening?
a) like i stated above i'd like to choke those that bully people, what's so funny about picking on weaker people eh? *shakes fist*
b) Again another thing that makes my fuse burn, if people don't respect others then this is pretty much a jungle isn't it right?
[Getting a rival...]
What is it about you that would make someone angry? Probably the fact that i am extremely easy to piss? Er and probably the fact that at a certain point i am quite an overly emotional person (aka an emo D8)
What would make someone dislike you? I already kind of stated it *laughs* but well what would make? Probably if they caught me whining or sulking in a corner like LEMME ALONE or something owo or really dislike if they catch me in a bad day where i start swearing like an idiot xD
[The confrontation!]
What makes you go into a competitive disposition? Probably drawing? Or an intelectual conversation(OR NOT D8 intelectual, in MY intelectual area xD;) I'm not that much of a competitive person to be honest, i don't give much of a rat's ass
Your rival proposes a one-on-one battle between you two. Would you accept it? Why? Why not? I'd probably accept it if the person had a good motive or if she/he were simply pissing me off xD;
For the sake of the application, let's say you accepted. You somehow managed to unnarm your rival! You could kill him with a simply swing of your weapon. Would you do it? Nah, i might get pissed off easily but i'm not a heartless person, i'd simply toss his/her weapon away and i'd help that person up
Let's set the mood: Pick a song for your final battle with your rival: A song of fire and storm from TRC xD so awsome
Anything else? Not seriously, just yayz i'll be making your stamps so BOW TO ME 8D