There's nothing better than being IKE!

May 05, 2009 18:57

First of all, your votes...
xOne Two Three

[ y o u ]
Name: Lauren (Lore)
Stamped as: Marcia

[ g e n e r a l ]
What do you look for in a friend?Someone who I can tell anything to who will level with me, even if I don't want to hear it, but won't poke fun at me on something embarrassing. I need someone we'll always be there when I'm feeling alone, just to be around. Lately, I feel like I really need a close guy friend, because girls are often a lot of trouble, but gender doesn't matter much.
What would you do if a friend betrayed you? I'd be hurt... mad... but I'd try really hard to work it out with them because ultimately, I love them and they're an important part of my life.

Mention one friend you'll never forget, and why? My best friend and foster, Rebecca. We've been friends forever and she is like my sister. When my dog was put down, she came over to my house with tea and sat with me. When my mom went through treatment for breast cancer, she literally dragged the info out of me even-though I really didn't want to talk about it, and made me feel a lot better. I can tell her anything or ask anything of her, and if it's really important, she'll come through for me, but most of all, she keeps me mentally level through the hard times.

Mention one comment from a friend you'll never forget, and why? I have serious relationship/commitment issues and there's been days where I feel like I'm just gonna be alone forever. My one friend told me that she knows I'll find the right person, and if not she'll be there for me forever. I donno, that meant a lot to me.

[ t h i s / t h a t ]
Leader or Follower? Leader or neutral (aka, I agree and join of my own free will) I'm really not a follower.
Listening or Speaking? Both. I am what I need to be at the time.
Going out or Staying indoors? Depends on the day. I can very easily be either. Somedays, I'm thrilled to go out, others I'd rather stay in and hang out.
Partying all night or quiet evening alone/with someone? partying at home with one or two people just by playing some music and talking. The only 'partying all night' I do is the occasional concert.

[ a s . a . f r i e n d ]
Do you prefer your friends to be like you or different? Like me in some ways. It's cool when we have similar interests, but I love when they can add something new to the mix. I prefer when they're a little not mentally stable than me, because I have my moments. lol. They totally don't have to be though.
Would you say yes to a favor before knowing what it is? For my best friends, yes. For anyone else, no.
When asked for advice, do you say what they want to hear or what you know they should hear? What they need to hear, but carefully. Don't want to turn them off to what I'm saying.
Your friend tells you she/he is about to do something that you think it's stupid or simply suicidal. What do you do?Tell them they're crazy and hold them down until I can talk some sense into them. And, as always, tell them I love them and that I'm there for them no matter what.
Are secrets kept safe with you? Definitely. I'm usually the first to know and always the last to tell.

[ y o u . i n . f i r e . e m b l e m ]
Imagine you were a happy little person living your own sweet life when your friend suddenly asks you to help him/her on something. That something involves a looong journey that'll take months and no promises you'll get home alive. What do you do? If it's really important to them, obviously I'd go. Can't let them go all alone. Plus, who doesn't LOVE a little adventure. And, I'd go to the ends of the earth for my friends. No questions asked.
In battle, would you rather stay a little being, supporting your friend (either with healing/long-range attacks) or right by his/her side, fighting? We'd be back to back fighting the enemy till the bitter end.

Name up to two Fire Emblem characters you do NOT see yourself getting along with: Hm.... I don't know. It's prob the first game I've played where no one really annoys me. Um, maybe Bastian because he'd talk and I'd be like 'what?' j/k lol. I don't know. Prob not Makalov because he wouldn't have my back unless he was getting something and I'd begin to hate him.

Also, can you guys keep it to 9/10. I was supposed to play 6 but it runs really bad on my compy so I have to wait till I'm home and can play on my brother's comp.. lol

best friend: tormod

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