Like Guety, I'd like to ask for a male and a female best friend, thank you
First of all, your votes...
x x x [ y o u ]
Name: Sandra
Age: 20
Stamped as: Lyndis/Eirika. And the list is too long now.
[ g e n e r a l ]
What do you look for in a friend? Someone I can trust fully. Like, blindly. Someone I know that will be there for me when I need, someone who supports and accepts me for me. Someone I can be with, just hang out, easy to talk to, etc.
What would you do if a friend betrayed you? I wouldn't do anything. First, depending on how big the betrayal was, I'm not sure if we'd still be exactly friends. Second, if we were still friends, certainly not like before. I wouldn't be able to trust that person like before ever again.
Mention one friend you'll never forget, and why? I don't have MANY friends but the few I have are pretty much unforgettable. They all helped me grow in different ways, and that's something very important.
Mention one comment from a friend you'll never forget, and why? "To make you smile, I'd give you the moon". As cheesy as it may sound, at the time I was feeling really low and the person who said that spent alot of time cheering me up and when I thanked him, that was his reply. To the date, he's still one of my bestest friends ever. And another thing was a "letter" I received from another person, but I won't quote anything, but it meant alot to me.
[ t h i s / t h a t ]
Leader or Follower? I can easily take the lead. But if there is a better leader than me, I'll follow without a problem.
Listening or Speaking? Listening. I'm not a great talker, when it comes to personal feelings/problems so I'd rather listen and help others.
Going out or Staying indoors? Depends. I like staying indoors, watching movies or even playing videogames with friends. However, I also enjoy going for random walks outside.
Partying all night or quiet evening alone/with someone? Quiet evening with someone. I hate parties, too much noise.
[ a s . a . f r i e n d ]
Do you prefer your friends to be like you or different? Mixture? Like, I don't want someone who's EXACTLY like me, but having some interests in common would be nice. As far as personality go, as long as we accept each other and we get along, differents, of course.
Would you say yes to a favor before knowing what it is? Well yes, but if the request turns out to be something insane (like, killing someone?), I wouldn't do it.
When asked for advice, do you say what they want to hear or what you know they should hear? What they should hear. Even if sometimes it comes out rather harsh, I won't lie just to please, specially if someone needs to hear some truths.
Your friend tells you she/he is about to do something that you think it's stupid or simply suicidal. What do you do? Tell her/him exactly that and try to make them see what they want to do is wrong. Worst case scenario, I'll try to physically stop them.
Are secrets kept safe with you? Pretty much. Though if you tell me a secret that will hurt you but you still ask me not to tell anyone, I'd rather tell someone who could help rather than keeping quiet.
[ y o u . i n . f i r e . e m b l e m ]
Imagine you were a happy little person living your own sweet life when your friend suddenly asks you to help him/her on something. That something involves a looong journey that'll take months and no promises you'll get home alive. What do you do? I'd have to consider a few things first, like the family I'm leaving there and if they'll be okay with me gone for some months. Then, I'd definitely help him/her.
In battle, would you rather stay a little behind, supporting your friend (either with healing/long-range attacks) or right by his/her side, fighting? Since I'm more healing/long-range oriented, the first one.
Name up to two Fire Emblem characters you do NOT see yourself getting along with: Ashnard? And Petrine.